Hello everyone,
Please advice. Basically my levels are as follow:
Game Map
HOWEVER, once i get to the division stage the text box goes a way. I have realized that it uses the coding from the multiplication stage and then just stops. Basically, it is the same coding just different set of problems, but it stops working. It is basically two cars racing to the finish line and if the gamer gets the math question right they advance.
Here is the link to the game. Following the multiplication stage division is suppose to go next but the text box goes away please advice on how to fix issue
no matter what happens after the multiplication round, either "cat wins" or "dog wins" will be equal to 1 so the repeat until block in the division block is immediately terminated.
I downloaded it and made the multiplication round repeat until cat wins + dog wins = 1 and i made the division round repeat until cat wins + dog wins = 2 and i saw the division questions.