theres brand kirby projects! by dtnc21 and me each week or other days there will be new kirby projects including dtnc21 kirby and the spy series and others!
A: Please use better grammar in the future.
B: I think this forum section needs a rename, too many people think it's for projects.
C: I've reported the topic so the admins can move it to the appropriate section, in the future please place topics about projects in Show and Tell or Project Ideas.
Bklecka wrote:
A: Please use better grammar in the future.
B: I think this forum section needs a rename, too many people think it's for projects.
C: I've reported the topic so the admins can move it to the appropriate section, in the future please place topics about projects in Show and Tell or Project Ideas.
Thanks for the report - I've moved it over to Show and Tell. We do get a fair number of people posting about Scratch projects in "Things I'm Making and Creating" - maybe a better name could help. If you think of one, please post it in Suggestions.
By the way - there is no "grammar requirement" for posting in the forums. People can use whatever grammar they are comfortable with. Of course, people should always strive to be understood clearly - as that's the whole purpose of the forums - and good grammar and spelling do help with that