Scratch2.0, or 1.4 Site. Why not Keep Both? Note: I apologize the unorganization, this was actually a really long note in the first place. I decided to post it here b/c I don't have time to organize it. Explanation Note: Also, I know I previously said this was a note that I rushed through, but I turned it into an "unorganized essay" please read it though. It has a lot of information, but it can save the scratch1.4 site.
Future Note for Scratch Change
Forum Post Get lightning to see for Scratch2.0:
1) 2% (of 1million) scratches are going to quit. The 2% was mentioned by a 2.0 supporter, not a 1.4 considering the fact that it is a small # compared to 1M. Except that these were some of the experienced scrathers if you keep reading. 20,000 (about)project creators are going to quit
2) childish mascots 5+ (no offense) Homepage=5,000loss
3) new flash player=5000 loss
4) No 1.4 site: 5,000 scratchers quit
5) 5,000 1.4 supporters are going to adapt
6) Still 15,000 scratchers are going to quit. probably project creators b/c if they stayed on scratch for 1.4 than they are project creators most likely.
7) 5,000 of those are experienced scratchers b/c they are older than kids. The 14-16 yr olds (I won't say my age) this is because they quit because of the childish homepage.
8) 5,000 scratchers quit. Doesn't seem like a lot compared to 445,000 other project makers, but they were among the best. They might've
9) Fix these 3 errors and save scratch from losing 15,000 members. To fix these simply change the homepage, try to make the flash player faster (I know the ST is working on that) and KEEP THE 1.4 SITE
Keep1.4 Site: Keeping the Scratch1.4 Site will also save 15,000 members for quitting.
1) Homepage is better with the smaller more professional scratch cat
2) Mobile site is better. 2.0 messes with typing.
3) Forums is clearer. It might have obsolete stuff, but there is a lot of useful resources more than the forums is obsolete.
4) The Forums also include downloadable features for scratch1.4. Here's downloadable features: 1) Block Importer: … 41#p700241 Doesn't currently work, but it can.
2) (Came hidden with scratch) Mesh:
Yes Cloud Data is easier to used, but it cannot make a full multiplayer game. See my full multiplayer game Crate Score Updated This is a mesh project, and probably the first and last full multiplayer project on the scratch1.4 site. It might have not been the last, but I'm 100% sure it's the first. It requires external programs, but it still works.
3) Forum Blocks to code:
4) All useful Scratch1.4 mods will be forgotten if the site is forgotten such as BYOB3.0, Slash, and Bingo
5) Scratch1.4 is a program. You can still use it even after the 2.0 site is gone. Although it has very limited. 2.0 support and 2.0 supports all OS's. Except 2.0 is a page. That means when 2.0 is gone you will be unable to use 2.0. 1.2-1.4 will still be usable. This is How: Make. Site or share your projects to If you are going to make a site than I recommend If not use Dropbox like I said. Then Upload a file to Dropbox or on webs go to
panel and click manage files. Then you will have to make a link to it on page on your website. Now you have "shared" your project. The download version of 2.0 will only work with 2.0 projects. Those are only available on the 2.0 site. Therefore when 3.0 comes out 1.4 can still be in use. Although, the whole purpose of this is to keep the 1.4 site to make it easier/beneficial to 1.4 scratchers.
6) Scramble (link unavailable) you might be able to search it in the forums.
7) There's actually a way to get cloud data in 2.0 even though it's extremely difficult (I think) I know it's 100% possible even though mesh is more useful (to me). I have the link. I'll try to find it, but it might take a while.
8) Saving Data: This already makes Scratch1.4 more useful than 2.0 since the project needs to be played/saved in1.4. Unless 2.0 also is some how able to do this which I highly doubt since it requires the obsolete block, but it's very useful in 1.4.
So why Not keep the 1.4 Site? I'm not against 2.0. I actually like the new features and I can get used to the profile/studios/commenting ststem/actual2.0. just feel that Scratch1.4 had a lot of progress and
looked more professional. I also am all for the 1.4 mods. I didn't actual use the mods. However I just finished one called TigerBuild1.5(not shared yet). I viewed/downloaded BYOB3.0 and SLASH. Slash has a lot of stuff the the blocks library and more features. This I the one I could get used to. BYOB has the BYOB (MYOB) section which it is easier to make blocks than Scratch2.0. So I'll get to the point. Why not Keep the Scratch1.4 Site? It's still very useful with Scratch1.4. I heard the scratch team say that they don't the resources to run the 1.4 site. If it means people, I will run it then. I will make a team to moderate it and make Scratch Updates. The Scratch Team needs to make my account a scratch moderation account. All the scratchers who wants to join the "Keep1.4 Team" please say "Joining1.4"I will need a team if scratchers want the 1.4 Site wants to stay though. SCRATCH ON!
Note: I will have time to run the 1.4 Site with a team even though I didn't have time to organize this post.
Team Needed:
1) Moderation Team Members 1) Me 2) Developer123
2) Updating Homepage Team, like updating the info and links on the right side of the bar. Also the 'featured section". Maybe the rest of the homepage to, but I think the section like "What the community lis loving" is automatic. Members 1) Me ST, if I get this account upgraded (promoted) please tell me how to change this. It's highly important.
If these 2 teams are made 1.4 can go on.
3) Scratch Mod Team: Makes the Scratch1.5 versions and beyond (not needed but would be very useful). Members: 1) Me
Note: After I get 2 active members on each team then I can ask the ST (Scratch Team). This doesn't include me. Also the ST will need to promote members (the moderation ones) to community moderators.
Note2: If any 2.0 supporters are against this for some reason then tell me the reason why to rid of 1.4? I do not think there is a reason for that at all b/c I made it extremely clear (to me). I'm really looking for 1.4 supporters who want to join the "Keep1.4" Team. Then I with ask the scratch team after the above note is achieved.
Remember whoever's with this (1.4 supporters, maybe some 2.0 ones) say "With4". Whoever wants to join the 1.4 say "Joining1.4" Remember though if I don't get at least 1 active member in each team then this won't work. However I'll probably need more members to do so. say 5 active in the first 2 teams. SCRATCH1.4 ON! With1.4!
Note: Also Remember that I'm not against 2.0 at all. I actually like the new features I just want a few changes to it, and keeping the 1.4 site. Even under my leadership the 1.4 site may fall even become a bad community (which I'm not aiming for/I'm aiming for benefits) but It's worth a try to me. WITH1.4!
Update1) If this doesn't go through which I highly doubt, then I will make a website for 1.4 off a site builder. However it won't be even close to as good as this site (the 1.4 site). However it will be at least something. The link will be in this post, and in another post explaining it. If 2.0 comes out before this is finished then I'll make a link to this there. All scratchers welcome. The teams I will need are these
1) Moderation Team 2) Modding Team to make the next versions of Scratch1.4 versions. I will also put a lot of forum post and 1.4 pages there. Also projects that were made on 1.4. There will be a system that can somewhat share 1.4 projects. More explanations will be in that link if that happens. That's just a back-up. What I suggested before this though (KEEP1.4) will succeed. I haven't gotten a good reason on why not to keep the 1.4 site, unless I'm unable to store enough bandwidth (which Mrflash67 said, and I highly doubt that). Remember WITH1.4!
Last edited by co13 (2013-04-21 09:13:50)
I agree with a lot of this, but Scratch mods can still be alive and people can still use 1.4. It's not like they're taking it away entirely.
djdolphin wrote:
I completely agree, but I doubt the Scratch team would let you take over the whole 1.4 website.
Well, first they would have to give me a good reason not to. I'm aiming for benefits and I want to continue the 1.4 site. Nothing bad at all( Except creating one useless guest account). I've been on for 2yrs plus and have done only good things with scratch and tried to unlock it's full potential. I know that it will be difficult, but there has to e a good reason about why not to give me permission. You see?
powerpoint56 wrote:
I agree with a lot of this, but Scratch mods can still be alive and people can still use 1.4. It's not like they're taking it away entirely.
I agree 100%, but there's no good reason why not to keep the 1.4 Site. The Site has many benefits like I mentioned in the first post.
If only a app called WebTake existed... (To save the 1.4 site onto dropbox)
Anyways I might quit
Devloper123 wrote:
If only a app called WebTake existed... (To save the 1.4 site onto dropbox)
Anyways I might quit
It's called saving the important pages using IE or Chrome and then making a database for the accounts xP
I agree with some of this, but I actually like the new home page. I think it looks neater and more professional. I think the 1.4 forums should be archived and read only, so that everyone can still find important topics and links. Mods won't be forgotten because people will still continue modding 1.4. Scratch 2.0 is a program. There will be a downloadable version available.
nathanprocks wrote:
I agree with some of this, but I actually like the new home page. I think it looks neater and more professional. I think the 1.4 forums should be archived and read only, so that everyone can still find important topics and links. Mods won't be forgotten because people will still continue modding 1.4. Scratch 2.0 is a program. There will be a downloadable version available.
And theoretically we'll be able to mod 2.0.
gbear605 wrote:
nathanprocks wrote:
I agree with some of this, but I actually like the new home page. I think it looks neater and more professional. I think the 1.4 forums should be archived and read only, so that everyone can still find important topics and links. Mods won't be forgotten because people will still continue modding 1.4. Scratch 2.0 is a program. There will be a downloadable version available.
And theoretically we'll be able to mod 2.0.
Are there ways to mod 2.0 without Adobe Flash?
I'll be a mod but NOT now I'm a bit busy for shadowmouse and blockxer
DigiTechs wrote:
Devloper123 wrote:
If only a app called WebTake existed... (To save the 1.4 site onto dropbox)
Anyways I might quitIt's called saving the important pages using IE or Chrome and then making a database for the accounts xP
First all the important pages I have bookmarked with scratch are over 25+. That's wiki help and important forum pages alone. With pages you cannot actually use the site. If this doesn't go through that's a good idea, but it must prevail (go forward)!
Last edited by co13 (2013-04-20 08:53:02)
nathanprocks wrote:
I agree with some of this, but I actually like the new home page. I think it looks neater and more professional. I think the 1.4 forums should be archived and read only, so that everyone can still find important topics and links. Mods won't be forgotten because people will still continue modding 1.4. Scratch 2.0 is a program. There will be a downloadable version available.
To say the new site is more professional blow my mind away. I was about about to laugh real hard, but then I decided to continue reading. So I asked someone who was 14-16 and he said the new homepage "dumb" and was about to use the "R" word which I can't say on scratch. I asked a 10yr old boy as well (baseballdude2 I know him, but he quit. I'm related to him but I can't say how since this is a website) and said the new site was extremely dumb with offense. Who wants to continue modding 1.4 when 2 is out. When the 1.4 supporters mod 1.4 no one will use it if there aren't anymore 1.4 scratchers. That's why the 1.4 supporters need a site still. That's still not a reason to rid of the 1.4 site. You See?
Last edited by co13 (2013-04-20 09:02:11)
powerpoint56 wrote:
I agree with a lot of this, but Scratch mods can still be alive and people can still use 1.4. It's not like they're taking it away entirely.
Abviously scratch mods can still be used but remember when 1.4 first came out (I haven't been on that long; but I read some things/pages based on it), who used 1.3? Not a single 1.4 scratcher out of 400,000 project makers. People might've if they saw the 1.3 download. On the Scrath1.4 download page it's not abvious at all to scroll down to the previous versions. I don't want the same thing to happen to 1.4. Also that's not a reason to not keeping the 1.4 site.
Last edited by co13 (2013-04-20 09:21:01)
Devloper123 wrote:
I'll be a mod but NOT now I'm a bit busy for shadowmouse and blockxer
Yeah I know your real busy, even helping me with my mod XD. I think you meant you were joining team3, is that right? I now you said not now, but mod can mean moderation/modding.
gbear605 wrote:
nathanprocks wrote:
I agree with some of this, but I actually like the new home page. I think it looks neater and more professional. I think the 1.4 forums should be archived and read only, so that everyone can still find important topics and links. Mods won't be forgotten because people will still continue modding 1.4. Scratch 2.0 is a program. There will be a downloadable version available.
And theoretically we'll be able to mod 2.0.
I figured that out by now. Except one thing, that's not a reason to rid of the 1.4 site as well. The Block Library also has many useful blocks that won't be in 2.0. As of right now Scratch1.4 is still a more powerful program than 2.0. You have to link inside 1.4, you shouldn't limit it to "what's there, is there". Meaning that when you open 1.4, all the blocks
/features/downloads/plugins (downloads and plugins aren't first part of scratch when you open it) that are there is the final # which isn't true.
Last edited by co13 (2013-04-20 09:19:03)
poopo wrote:
Where are you getting all your statistics from?
1) Experience 2) Other Scratchers 3) Forum posts. See the "Keep1.4" and the "Anyone kinds want scratch1.4 to stay" posts. Also go here Scratch Stats Then click options->users. You'll see more users are 14-16, most are 15. I still won't say may age.
Last edited by co13 (2013-04-20 09:30:34)
Devloper123 wrote:
Got it! I'll change that.
I think they should keep both.
But rename the 2.0 site with something like ""
newguyman55 wrote:
I think they should keep both.
But rename the 2.0 site with something like ""
I agree 100%. Finally someone that realizes to keep both. Want to join one of the teams? Remember if I get the teams then I can ask the scratch team to keep it.
Last edited by co13 (2013-04-20 13:18:29)
They do not have the rescoursces to keep both. The forum posts, I imagine, will look like:
MODpage wrote:
Link to old forum
This is the forum for MOD.
It is a continuation of the 1.4 forums MOD topic.
The MOD is only for 1.4.
My example was terrible, but they can carry on. Same for patches, project and more!
Even if you took control (dream on - no offense meant), who would host it? You? Your broadband would go in a day if you did it from home. A hosting company? Site dropped for too much bandwidth and size. ST? No more cloud variables and search.
I prefer the 2.0 front page. For one, you can see more projects on each bar without having to click 'see more' and get a new page.
Mesh? Cloud vars/lists are more advanced and easier to use.
There will be a 1.4 download (probably ) and 2.0 will have an offline version which will be downloadable, and archived when Scratch3 comes out.
Enough for now, and please congratulate me on the fact that I did this all in quick post!
With2, and some 4.
MrFlash67 wrote:
They do not have the rescoursces to keep both. The forum posts, I imagine, will look like:
MODpage wrote:
Link to old forum
This is the forum for MOD.
It is a continuation of the 1.4 forums MOD topic.
The MOD is only for 1.4.
[download]My example was terrible, but they can carry on. Same for patches, project and more!
Even if you took control (dream on - no offense meant), who would host it? You? Your broadband would go in a day if you did it from home. A hosting company? Site dropped for too much bandwidth and size. ST? No more cloud variables and search.
I prefer the 2.0 front page. For one, you can see more projects on each bar without having to click 'see more' and get a new page.
Mesh? Cloud vars/lists are more advanced and easier to use.
There will be a 1.4 download (probably) and 2.0 will have an offline version which will be downloadable, and archived when Scratch3 comes out.
Enough for now, and please congratulate me on the fact that I did this all in quick post!
With2, and some 4.
1) Congrats Mr.Flash67! (you), but I'm not congragulating you on the "quick post". I'm congragulating you on helping saving the 1.4 site, although you were 100% against it. My laptop is kind of old. Well it's not old, but old for CPU's. Now all I have to do is get someone to host it. I could try to, once I get a new laptop (which I have, but it isn't set up yet if I use it. Also it's not exactly new, but a lot more powerful than my laptop). So I'll ask someone to host it ( I realized this when you were explaining bandwidth), or I will. Simple as that. Bandwith width hold. 2)More projects on the homepage? You serious? It's no longer a scratch honor/achievement to be on the homepage. I was a member of the "Scratch Revolution" once. Then I got only 1 featured project on the homepage, but it was my greatest scratch hour. I don't care for 2.0 projects on the homepage at all. It's not a achievement. Also like I mentioned before, it's appealing to 5yr olds who can't scratch. 3) Mesh is far more powerful than cloud data. I've recently tested out cloud data. [Disclaimer: It was my first time]. It was very useful, and extremely easy to use. Except 1 thing. It can't make full multiplayer games. It can make turn-turn multiplayer games, but that is extremely difficult (I read some pages based on it) and it cannot make full multiplayer games. An example would be my mesh project "Crate-Score". I think that was the first full multiplayer project on scratch no one else discovered except my friend gamer2012. Who is a 2.0 supporter. Anyways mesh can go far beyond that. cloud data cannot even reach it. 4) 5) There will be a a Scratch2.0 download I saw. Go to a project and click "share to". Then you will see a Download to 1.4 section I believe. However it doesn't work yet, but there's proof there will be like you said. That's one benefit, but that's not a reason to get rid of the 1.4 site. Also this new download is kind of hidden and the "share to" button says "share to another site". It makes it easier to keep the 1.4 site. You see? However the bandwidth issue could shut me down, but I don't see it as a real threat to anything. I also believe that I will be able to hold the meomory for the 1.4 site. 6) Why are you and 2.0 supporters trying to rid of the 1.4 site? The 2.0 site is going to exist. Why do you need to be against 1.4 when 2.0 is out? Why is it a "bad thing" to you that the 1.4 site could still exist? Please don't congragulate me on making this post really long :p and it took a lot of my time to think of it. I also apologize that it's hard to read.
Last edited by co13 (2013-04-20 22:59:20)
Guys, you are also missing the point that ScratchR is freely available, but most of the software involved is deprecated and it is very hard to setup.
Personally I would like to keep the 1.4 site, but guys, at some point you will have to let it go.