How do I create a script for getting the ball moving vertically down the stage.
English description for the script:
1. Clear the stage
2. Place the ball sprite at the position (0, 170)
3. Make Ball appear on the stage
4. So long as the y_position of ball is greater than or equal to -175, it should move down the Stage in 1 -step intervals. NOTE that Ball should stop moving when it reaches y_position = -175
5. When the Ball reaches its destination, stamp a copy of Ball's costume on to the Stage.
6. Make Ball disappear from the Stage.
Please someone help me with a Script for this description.
This should work
when gf clicked clear Go to x:(0) y:(170) show Repeat until <[y position] < [-175]> Change y by (-1) end stamp hide
Last edited by Tohmis (2013-04-19 16:19:18)
Tohmis wrote:
This should work
when gf clicked clear go to x: [0] y: [0] show repeat until <(y position) < [-175]> change y by [-1] end stamp hide
there. that should work.
Last edited by PresidentialNyan (2013-04-19 16:49:01)
This realy should work
when gf clicked clear Go to x:(0) y:(170) show Repeat until <(y position) < [-175]> Change y by (-1) end stamp hide
Last edited by Tohmis (2013-04-19 17:18:32)
Hi i have kind of simillar project and for me the script made by Tohmis worked fine except the part that the ball does not dissapear, I can still see it prtly on stage i used different kind of options...maybe anyone would suggest what block i should use to make the ball disapperar completley? Thanks upfront