I've been looking around the forums but haven't found this addressed - I'm developing a study and would like to be able to look at how Scratch projects develop over time. Obviously I can have students save their work at intervals, but is there any way to generate a running log file or otherwise record what's going on in Scratch? Ideally I'd like to run some analytics on a lot of projects, so having a time-based record as parse-able data would be ideal (rather than a screen capture), but I'll take what I can get.
I'm in a similar position, wanting to use Scratch to log data. From what I've found, this is not a native option in Scratch itself, however you can do this in Bingo, which is a variant (mod) of Scratch. It's pretty much identical to Scratch, but with a few extra abilities.
You might find project summaries a little helpful, because they contain some very basic save history. Shift-clicking the File menu will bring up the "Write Project Summary" option, try seeing if it fits your needs.
I think the closest you could get would be to write a script that watched the file on disk for changes, and would save a copy of that version somewhere.
You could use Kurt to convert the scripts to text, which you could then compare using a standard diff tool to look for changes.
So maybe you could just mod Scratch to auto-save every minute or two?
Last edited by blob8108 (2013-04-19 12:23:07)