I need help with my game where you have to bop the figures as the appear. I have made the hammer 'go to the mouse pointer' but I don't know how to make the hammer bop someone by clicking the mouse. How would I do that?
Do you mean, how to make someone get "bopped" when you click the mouse? If so,
repeat until <(time left) = [0]> if <touching [hammer v]?> if <mouse down?> script go here end endOr you could maybe you could use
repeat until <(time left) = [0]> if <<touching [hammer v]?> and <mouse down?>> scripts go here end endI have a game that does what I think you want your project to do. You can download it and take a look at the scripts. Here it is
Last edited by cobraguy (2013-04-17 11:20:08)