ieu99 wrote:
I am sorry for my unexplained absence recently but various things have kept me away from scratch like MTB Races and Homework, but I will be uploading my progress soon(ish)! Sorry
No problem.
Okay, i am just about ready with my games, we really need that interface finished so we can put it all together. Berberber, do you need help with that or are you good? Could you give me your progress?
I think i have one little thing to do with DD, but i think SM is done for the arcade.
StarscreamClone wrote:
Just checkin' in.
Starscream, it's been to long.
I am really ready to have berberber put this together.
Also, please check out the new shooting match and tell me what you think.
Last edited by CAA14 (2013-04-29 18:21:38)
Here is my game, i'm not sure if it's ready yet, what do you think?
It will start as soon as "start" is broadcasted so you will have to download it and broadcast start to try it.
Blazingwave wrote:
Here is my game, i'm not sure if it's ready yet, what do you think?
It will start as soon as "start" is broadcasted so you will have to download it and broadcast start to try it.
Gotcha, and I can't wait to try it.
Berberberber, i need to know how that interface is coming, that's what i am waiting for...
This all seems cool.
Sorry for being inactive. I was on another forum RPing(roleplaying) for a long time so......
I would like to rejoin, as this seems fun. Now, what task will you give me?
Meh. I guess I'll just fill out the form first, if you don't mind.
Your username:
Why you want to join:
I used to be in this collab. This collaboration works really well together, and I would like to join it again to be part of an awesome collab again.
Past experiences (If featured, curated, etc..):
Specialties/Talents on Scratch
Scripting, spriting and animating. I've gotten a lot better at scripting and spriting lately.
Do you agree to follow the requirements?
What games you are looking forward to create with Northern Lights?
Preferably RPG games, though arcade games are nice too.
I think I'll just make the token sprite for now. Expect stuff real soon.
ieu99 wrote:
CAA14 Could you redo my game please?
How would you like me to redo it? Just make it fit the front post?
Teleport: hey, good to see you again. so, you want a task, well, you could make a mini game, but... You will have to follow the details for making them on the front post. If you do not understand them, then just ask or download one of my projects. These details aren't the collab requirements, though of course those still apply, these are under "Details on current project".
If you can, then you could view the intro for the project, and then get me those same texts except looking like neon signs and glowing. - I really need this.
I won't be very active today, but I'll try to sign on once more later.
All please note that I am ready to start putting this all together. I will see if berberberber would like me to pick up the interface building and make the shop and stuff. If you're berberberber, then I you are still working on it that's totally cool, but I would like some kind of report... I am stuck until I can get this together and get someone to make my text glow for the intro...
Is anyone still wanting to do this? I feel like we're losing dedication....
CAA14 wrote:
Is anyone still wanting to do this? I feel like we're losing dedication....
I really need to do my part. I'll work on layout with berber's first bit. Remind me what needs to be added again?
StarscreamClone wrote:
CAA14 wrote:
Is anyone still wanting to do this? I feel like we're losing dedication....
I really need to do my part. I'll work on layout with berber's first bit. Remind me what needs to be added again?
Well, i believe you were working on the interface, and, to be honest, that's what i am waiting on, but i thought berberberber was doing that... Anyway, if you do decide to pick it up, please see the details under that task and review the "Details on the current project" part please.
IEU99: No problem, i should have that done in about 30 minutes.
Okay, here it is for you ieu99. You will need to tell me on one of my CAA14 projects when you have downloaded it. You will need to reposition the variables as well.
CAA14 wrote:
StarscreamClone wrote:
CAA14 wrote:
Is anyone still wanting to do this? I feel like we're losing dedication....
I really need to do my part. I'll work on layout with berber's first bit. Remind me what needs to be added again?
Well, i believe you were working on the interface, and, to be honest, that's what i am waiting on, but i thought berberberber was doing that... Anyway, if you do decide to pick it up, please see the details under that task and review the "Details on the current project" part please.
IEU99: No problem, i should have that done in about 30 minutes.![]()
Okay. Sounds good.
Also, always be brutally honest with me; I need a good reminder that I'm procrastinating sometimes.
A reminder from the scratch transition team:
The transition is coming soon and threads will NOT be saved, so it is advised that you save your topics somewhere to save it until you can post them again in the new scratch 2.0 forums.
Got the idea for the arcade game i'm gonna make. It's about pacman, but you can upgrade his skill tree and stuff. Here's the plan:
Ms.Pacman gets captured by the ghosts. Pacman goes through levels of the game to try and get Ms.Pacman back. He has to avoid and kill all the enemies on each level. Enemies give him EXP. When he levels up, he can get skill points to get or upgrade skills.
Skill tree will be divided into three sub-categories:
That's all I've got planned for now.
Teleport wrote:
Got the idea for the arcade game i'm gonna make. It's about pacman, but you can upgrade his skill tree and stuff. Here's the plan:
Ms.Pacman gets captured by the ghosts. Pacman goes through levels of the game to try and get Ms.Pacman back. He has to avoid and kill all the enemies on each level. Enemies give him EXP. When he levels up, he can get skill points to get or upgrade skills.
Skill tree will be divided into three sub-categories:
That's all I've got planned for now.
Hey, basing your game off of pac-man is fine, but, as it says in the front post, Ideas need to be original. So change the character design to something your own. The game play sounds totally cool, but we need to not copy someone else's game...
IEU99: No problem.
Starscream: Don't worry, if you need a reminder, Rodimus will give you one. Also, it's really not you, we're really stuck because our main "Putting it together" guy isn't responding....