Like in BYOB:
What it does is it creates new temporary variables for the script it is placed in. The variable shown on the block is NOT an input, but it is a variable that you can drag to pick up a copy of it just like blocks in the scripting area.
If it were in scratch, it will probably be called something more self explanatory like
"Use temporary variables {the variables} for this script only"
The arrowhead on the block adds another variable and once there is two or more, a left arrowhead to delete the most recently created variable.
You can click on the variable without dragging it to rename it, though scratch will probably change this to a rename option in the right click menu.
When a set block is placed in the same script as a script variables block, it's drop down menu will be updated to include the temporary variables.
If a variable is dragged into another script, it's value there will be 0.
Each script has its own script variables, even if two variables in different scripts share a name.
Recursive block definitions will receive a new set of variables on each recursive call of the block.
Last edited by joefarebrother (2013-04-12 03:10:18)
Can anyone who is familiar with byob explain how I would go about making this in the scratch browser? I'm guessing that it's very complicated and requires a new image (left facing arrow) in the scratchskin.