So basically I have to make a short quiz using Scratch for a school project. I'm supposed to make the Sprite ask how old the user of the quiz is, they have to be between 6-8. How do I program it so it will allow people who are that age to use it and not allow people how are old/younger?
when gf clicked ask [What's your age?] and wait if <(answer) < (6)> say [Sorry, you can't play] for (3) secs stop all end if <(answer) > (8)> say [Sorry, you can't play] for (3) secs stop all end Continue here
when gf clicked if (((answer) < (6)) or ((answer) > (8))) say [Sorry, you cannot play] for (3) secs stop all end continue your scripts for if you are 6-8 here...
Maltese_Falcon wrote:
when gf clicked if <<(answer) < (6)> or <(answer) > (8)>> say [Sorry, you cannot play] for (3) secs stop all end continue your scripts for if you are 6-8 here...