We are a pair of featured scratch programmers, and recently ErnieParke became a curator. We have collaborated on a few projects together, and are now showcasing them.
ErnieParke is most famous for his City Tycoon series, and I am most famous for my Generation:4001 project, both city builders!
Our Games*
Curator Cove Led by ErnieParke
City Tycoon 2 Led by ErnieParke
*Sorry that I can't show you the games led by me, however they are still incomplete. This is because we've been focusing on the above two games.
Possible Games*
City Tycoon: Defence
City Tycoon 3
Generation: Cities
International Inc
UGHA: the prehistoric superhero
*We hold the right not to make any of the above, and these may change through development.
Want to get exclusive access to our private development site for a week? Just leave a message on one of Borrego6165's projects or this thread with a response to the competition. The prizes will go to the top three entries!
You have to:
Create an advertisement for either of the already-made projects. This may contain music, sound effects, and can be up to 1 minute long, and a minimum of 20 seconds long. It must be appropriate and not break any of Scratch's terms and conditions.
+Unlimited access to the secret development site for a week.
+Including access to upcoming projects.
+Including behind-the-scenes access to projects.
+A say in how you think we should make our projects.
Last edited by Borrego6165 (2013-04-02 08:33:52)