Harald wrote:
when gf clicked forever if <not <touching [wall v]?>> move around...
I don't think that would work. Try this.
when gf clicked forever if <not> touching [wall v] if arrow keys pressed move _____ steps end
Harald wrote:
when gf clicked forever if <not <touching [wall v]?>> move around...
Sorry, that will not work, because of the sprite the script is nested in were to touch a wall, the sprite would never be able to move anymore.
I was just looking into this very thing and found the 'Wall Sensors' wiki article about this. Maybe it'll help you.
newnewfew wrote:
when gf clicked forever if <touching [wall]?> rotate [180] degrees move 10 steps end
Problem, that would make it go back and forth 10 pixels and never come out.
This fixes it
when gf clicked if <touching [wall]?> rotate [180] degrees forever if <touching [wall]?> move 10 steps rotate (180) degrees end