My teacher has had a Rubik's cube sitting on his desk for the past couple months now and every time we look over he's playing with it he has instructions and everything. Half the time we get side tracked 'cause he's talking about it...
My record is 35 seconds. Once you learn about them, it's very easy to solve them.
slapperbob wrote:
I've been working on mine for 4 or 5 years and still haven't solved it.
Go to Youtube, search "how to solve a Rubik's cube" watch the video by the user "pogobat" or something like that. That's what I used.
cau2134 wrote:
Yesterday I got a rubik's cube and IT IS EPIC!!! So talk about rubik's cubes. Solving them, breaking them
,cool designs on them, and brag about your fastest time!
Did you get a speedcube? Once u can solve them, look up Dayan GuHong version 2 on That's the kind I have and it's amazing. It moves so fast and you can take it apart real easily.
We actually have a Rubik's Cube thread here. Let's keep things tidy on the forums and stick to using one thread for a single topic.