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#1 2013-02-17 02:37:52

New Scratcher
Registered: 2013-02-02
Posts: 100+

here is my story script anyone got any ideas on how i can make this ga

Antonio has found himself to be selected to defend the world against invasion of vicious blood sucking beasts who want to take over the world. Antonio is a highly trained fighter and a hunter with many skills to rid the world of these horrific creatures who are invading the world to enslave humans. In his quest he is faced with many obstacles including deadly, possessed vampire bats, crabs with ten inch venomous pinchers. His mission is to navigate through the highly dangerous zones where these beasts have emerged from holes in the ground. As he is being invaded he must reach the portal to conquer the next level jam-packed with more fun and games.  Antonio has to navigate his way carefully through each level in order to stay alive. If he falls in the lava he will disintegrate, beats will eat him alive when his back is turned.  Each stage becomes progressively harder with more enemies to kill, lava to manoeuvre around and points to collect. Antonio must collect as many points as possible as he works through each level these include coins worth 1 point. Killing beasts ranges from 1-4 points depending on which beast is annihilated. The higher the point level the more upgrades arm him to better defend the world against these beasts. E.g. speed. Let the invasion of these wild beasts begin.


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