That's right,guys! Oh Man, the topic used to chat about Common Sense/ResponibleParentof2 & 6, is back! And now, it's better than ever! :D
That thread was awesome.
But you just know this is gonna get closed soon.
it is
but that thread was hilarious.
Yeah. I got mentioned by responible last out of everyone.
Last edited by ImagineIt (2013-02-11 12:02:54)
You mean the thread where everyone obsessed over someone even though he had no importance to anything?
I'd understand if someone famous mentioned you, but this is some random troll who's pretty much reading out names, I don't see any excitement.
EpicGuy12345 wrote:
That's right,guys! Oh Man, the topic used to chat about Common Sense/ResponibleParentof2 & 6, is back! And now, it's better than ever!
Let's not talk about RPo2; it's what got the orignal topic closed in the first place. Besides, she became really inactive after it was closed.
Classic thread.
epicepicman wrote:
EpicGuy12345 wrote:
That's right,guys! Oh Man, the topic used to chat about Common Sense/ResponibleParentof2 & 6, is back! And now, it's better than ever!
Let's not talk about RPo2; it's what got the orignal topic closed in the first place. Besides, she became really inactive after it was closed.
That's actually hilarious.
It looks like nobody posted reviews yet... shall I start?
(For The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
this movie is epic and ido not like lord of the rings 100%but ilove the movie the hobbit an unexpected journey. this movie shows little kids amajination and how to use it .the book sticks to the the movie pretty well to the possitivive message that team work makes perfect task . thank you peter jaxon that thers no sexual content or shootin because shooting is the most violont thing that can happen in a movie.people say that if you like lord of the rings go and see it but i disagree. when one of the dwarfs said jaxie it means the a word as in a--s.this movie is not innappropriate and its epic spectacular action comedy and my favorite movie.the hobbit is nice i kept on cheering and kept on saying snap the whole movie .this move has lees violence than lord of the rings but its still awsome.there are are alot of characters drinking eating and smoking on a pipe . bilbo baggans is heroic and brave like harry potter .this movie should be rated pg not pg13 because this has less intece than ithought would have i wanna read the whole sereise to find out what happens in the the next two parts .i feel bad for the author because he had diedin 1973 he was born on 1892 he died when he was 81 years old. the movie dosnt have any seual content . .idont know what people are saying when they say this is a bad movie.this movie is the best movieof 2012 and its the end of 2012 the movie im going to see is parental guidence and write a review about it .I LOVE THIS MOVIE .IT ENDED IN A GREAT WAY . THE BOOK CAME OUT IN 1931 BUT THE MOVIE WAS BETTER .THAN THE BOOKif children under 2 want to watch i seggust parents whatch it with them its out of this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY .THE SCENES ARNT THAT INTENCE IT SOULD BE RATED PG .COUPLE OF FIGHTS NO BIGGY.STILL GRAET MOVIE IVE EVER HAD SEEN !! DEFENETLY AGES 2AND UP
Yes. It's perfectly okay to take your 2-year old to movie rated PG-13.
Last edited by epicepicman (2013-02-11 17:03:52)
Animeboy's older brother???? And they love... Staraptor????
Last edited by Luigitailsdoll45 (2013-02-11 17:07:58)
Luigitailsdoll45 wrote:
I thought he said sister.
One review for Twilight Princess said:
Luigitailsdoll45 wrote:
times 10000000000.
I have a older sister btw, not a older brother.
Animeboy975 wrote:
Luigitailsdoll45 wrote:
times 10000000000.
I have a older sister btw, not a older brother.
Maybe there's one you don't know about...
epicepicman wrote:
EpicGuy12345 wrote:
That's right,guys! Oh Man, the topic used to chat about Common Sense/ResponibleParentof2 & 6, is back! And now, it's better than ever!
Let's not talk about RPo2; it's what got the orignal topic closed in the first place. Besides, she became really inactive after it was closed.
I already found RPo2. Remember in her Octonauts review how she said she had a software that told her when a person googles any of her screen names? I found one of those screen names. It's known as "Media_is_Disgusting". This user has only done one review, and that was on Invader Zim. But, what this user had said on the show is very reminiscent of an RPo2 review. Here's a quote from said review.
"NO NO NO! They use horrible words like "h*peless" and "d*mb". I don't want my 13-year-old getting ideas from them. He once saw it around a friend's house, and when he came back, he said that he wants to watch this filth, and that all other shows are "st*pid"! How awful! This show has awful language."
The mentioning of bad words that are not bad words? The classic "friend's house"? The fact that the kids mentioned is 13? Could it be? I officially have a hunch that Media_is_Disgusting is RPo2 in disguise. We shall find out soon....
Animeboy975 wrote:
...What a minute.
Luigitailsdoll45 wrote:
Oh my goodness, Responible is back, reviewing Thrift Shop.
What does she have against thrift shops?
They're so thrifty!
oh man guys
wow what a silly website!