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#1 2013-01-31 16:52:56

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-11-01
Posts: 17

My new Youtube Gaming Channel

Hey, YouNowho22/s0urc3_c0d3r here!
just wanted to get the word out that I have a new gaming channel on youtube, my username is YouNoWho22MLG

I only have Minecraft gameplay so far (its interactive though) but I am adding Black ops zombies and zombies beginner strategies because I find a lot of strategies on youtube but not many people do strategies for beginners

anyways if anyone has other ideas as to what i should post next, feed back helps a lot!



#2 2013-03-21 07:30:16

Registered: 2010-10-10
Posts: 17

Re: My new Youtube Gaming Channel

I also have a gaming channel. I have 1 1/2 walkthroughs so far and am working on another and I have zombies videos my my friend and I playing that I video edit. I also do some coundowns and other fully edited videos. If you like to work with Movie Maker or other editing software, maybe you shold try it out. I was actually planning on using some scratch elements for some effects.
My username: Darkforce213

Warning: Video Game Jedi Master



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