On my other acount (RoyalWriter) I made a project called The Finisher. Here's what it is: I start a story that's about one comment long and put a #1 or part 1 at the begining of it just to keep track of order (you'll see what I mean in a minute) and then I leave it on a cliff hanger (besides you can't fit a story into that small space anyway) then another scratcher comes along and writes #2 or part 2 at the beginning, then picks up where the last comment left off, continuing the story, then finishes on a cliff hanger. Then another scratcher comes along, writes which part or # it is, continues the story, leaves with a cliff hanger, and so on and so forth. So that's how it works. Then after a while you'll have this awesome story it's really fun! So right now there's only 5 parts on that project so come and add more!
Last edited by RoyalHi5 (2013-01-29 13:33:32)