This suggestion is already planned for Scratch 2.0
OK, so first of all: I really like the new vector graphics in scratch 2.0, but I don't want to use it ALL the time.
Sometimes, people might like Pixelgraphics more than Vector graphics.
For example:
-A 2d Minecraft game
-An 8-bit game like super mario
And I know, you can import pixelgraphics into Scratch 2.0, using an external paint program, and importing the picture.
So I came up with this idea:
Why can't we have BOTH?
I though it would be great, if there was a "Switch to (pixel/vector) graphic" button.
Here's a mockup:
using the vector graphics, you could change every line after you drew it, and using the pixelgaphics, it would work just as it works in scratch 1.4.
I also realized, that it is very hard, to make a square, wich has a circle-shaped hole in it in Scratch 2.0.
With this feature, it would be a lot easier.
Please support!
taddl OrcaCat OverPowered Wes64 30-1 Mokat berberberber CN12 technoguyx OverPowered drumsandcars shadowmouse Necromaster veggieman001 BLU_Spy
Last edited by taddl (2013-03-01 08:51:37)
Good idea! It's almost impossible to edit 1.4 art with the new art editor. The best solution is probably to use 1.4 for your art when you need pixel art.
Definitely support...
berberberber wrote:
What is vector graphics?
Vector graphics are graphics made out of squares, lines, etc.
more info:
This type of graphics are used in scratch 2.0, but you can't use pixelgraphics, wich are the graphics used in Scratch 1.4. That's why I made this suggestion.
Still don't get it...
Also, they should inprove the resolution.
Let me explain it:
There is a line.
As a pixel graphic, each pixels color is saved.
It looks a bit like this:
As a vector graphic, the first, and the last dot are saved, like this:
first dot:(X:0,Y:0)
last dot:(X:100,Y:0)
Vector graphics allow you to zoom infinitely, because the computer calculates where every pixel is, every time you move something.
If this didn't help you, this might help you:
Yeah, support! Also, scratch needs better pixel resolution. Also, with vector, how would you fill things in?
While I don't know whether it's easy to make a raster graphics editor in Flash, I support.
technoguyx wrote:
While I don't know whether it's easy to make a raster graphics editor in Flash, I support.
I think its pausible, because you can already import pixelgraphics, you just can't draw them.
Very worthwhile...
Just bring the old bitmap editor from 1.4 into 2.0, and it's be wonderful...
definitely support!