Can someone give me ideas for games? I think of awesome games, then forget!
keroro645 wrote:
Do you like shooters?
I like them, but I want things that are appropriate for all ages, and will not let any parents question my games. (in a negitive way, because I do not want tto show bad messages, like the "PUPPETMASTER"s account.
keroro645 wrote:
How bout an original game.Like you are a lost wizard or something and you can teleport or something.
I need some detailed ideas...hmm... I am thinking about making a game called "Ritchochet Rocket" (sorry for spelling) which you have to click this button at "perfect" timing, and a rocket richochets off the walls, and you have to try to make it hit the center target. Or I may make a spy game when you need to wall-jump off walls.