I figured out hoe he fakes his death
TheSupremeOverLord wrote:
I figured out hoe he fakes his death
- Sherlock and Molly devise a plan to fake Sherlock’s death. Sherlock has Molly find a corpse that has the same height and build as himself, makes a Sherlock-mask to fit the corpse with, and dresses it up like himself. They add the necessary blood and other effects to make it look as if Sherlock had really jumped and sustained a dreadful impact with the ground. She also provides Sherlock’s fake death certificate and covers for his post mortem examination.
- John arrives at the hospital and later receives a phone call from paramedics telling him that Mrs. Hudson has been shot. Sherlock does this so that John is lured away for enough time to allow Sherlock and Moriarty to solve their final problem up on the rooftop of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital.
- Sherlock has already guessed what Moriarty already planned and plays accordingly to ensure his and his friends' survival. Even when Moriarty took his own life, Sherlock knows he must continue with his “death" to save his friends.
- When Sherlock and Moriarty look down, Moriarty notices and mentions that Sherlock’s gotten an “audience.” This is, in fact, Sherlock’s homeless network setting up the scene which also includes the truck that has parked in the front of the building.
- After Moriarty’s suicide, Sherlock steps onto the side of the rooftop, possibly to signal his homeless network to lay out the fake-Sherlock-corpse and a mattress (or something soft) in which he will soon land upon.
- John returns to the hospital after discovering that Mrs. Hudson is safe but is phoned by Sherlock to stand at an exact spot and talks to him, possibly to stall so that the homeless network can hurry and set up the scene. When John tries to get closer, Sherlock firmly tells him to stay where he is so that John does not see what is happening behind the truck. When Sherlock falls, the bus obscures the impact from John’s perspective, and John will be too shocked to run forward (Sherlock, after all, is the master of understanding human reactions).
- Sherlock must prove to John that he himself is really dead but knows that John is a doctor and can easily distinguish how a person who has just died and a corpse that has been dead for days feels like. So Sherlock has one of his homeless network pose as a bicyclist to deliberately knock John over to: 1) disorient him so that when John finally gets back up, he is too dazed to really take in what he sees and feels and 2) allow enough time for the homeless network to take away the mattress and allow Sherlock to drive away on the truck (as seen when John kneels next to the corpse the truck is already gone).
calebxy wrote:
TheSupremeOverLord wrote:
I figured out hoe he fakes his death
Oh dude, I'm obsessed with that show.
i started watching it / finished the first season and like it, it's pretty entertaining
although their interpretation of moriarty is like . . . what
maybe i'll come to appreciate later but right now i'm kind of creeped out and confused
sherlock sounds like snape lol
Last edited by Wickimen (2013-04-02 00:05:08)
soupoftomato wrote:
NeilWest wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Is it like Elenentary, in the US?
More British and closer to the original (ironically) British story.
Yeah, the three modern Sherlock Holmes things are kind of confounding.
Robert Downey Jr.'s is set in the correct time period but he's a ninja master.
Sherlock is set in modern time but his character is more accurate to the books (though updated a bit)
And then Elementary was like "lolol all that is important is that he is smart"
uh no
not really
sherlock had blatant disregard for the books too
if you watch the irene episode it's all like "lolol all that is important is that WOMEN R SEXY, amirit guis?" whereas in the books it focuses on irene's intelligence
i think moffat has a real problem with writing women (also he's undeniably the most boring head writer who has ever had)
and elementary also doesnt gloss over sherlock's drug addiction, his hatred towards his father,
GameGuy64 wrote:
banana500 wrote:
And how come British television calls seasons "series". It's kind of confusing at times.
Why do American television calls Series seasons? I think it's due to the fact that we have, like, 7-10 1-hour long episodes, rather than have a season (see what I did there) of 22-minute episodes.
no it's because at the start american series had blocks of programmings in seasons like summer and winter or autumn and spring
(i think it still has that but im not sure)
also i found some comments summing up my problems with sherlock:
"Even if the plot was a little better, Moffat's women would still be utterly 2D, look at how he destroyed Irene Adler! Even the modern FILMS did a better job at Adler... "
"agreed, the female characters in Sherlock are not especially strong.
Irene Adler: supposed genius manipulator and declared lesbian who ruins her own life because she falls head over heels for Sherlock and has to be saved by him at the last minute.
Molly: fancies Sherlock and is an emotional wreck... and that's it.
Mrs Hudson: Sherlock's morality pet.
Sally: only exists to be ridiculed by Sherlock and criticise him.
To be fair, there aren't exactly a lot of women in the original stories, but with the modern setting you would think Gatiss and Mofffat might be able to make them a little less boring and insulting. That being said I still think the show is one of the best things to come out of TV in the last few years."
"(Probably spoilers)
Urgh some of the changes they've made in the TV show are fantastic; The use of technology and the new sarcastic Watson are amazing additions. I also understand (but still have slight issue) that they made Sherlock to be sociopath, Byronic hero who isn't exactly pleasant, Sherlock in the novels is more of a friendly dad figure than anything. I can forgive Hudson, I feel like she's given an alright role, especially in the scene where she pretends to cry but turns out to be faking to trick them, Molly is just bullied by a Sherlock who simply isn't like that in the novels.
BUT 'THE WOMAN'. Adler is the only PERSON, let alone woman who has ever beaten him. SHE BEATS HIM. She is clever and she is fantastic. However in the TV show (Because Moffat seems to believe that women's power come from being sexy rather than intelligent, which is an insult in itself). She is made into this 'dominatrix' damsel in distress, used as a puppet by Moriarty and gets herself in a situation where she's about to be beheaded. The scene where her hood gets taken off, and she looks up in fear, her eyes begging for mercy, then Sherlock whips off his hood, and her eyes light up and they smile, in the knowledge that Sherlock has saved the day. Makes me sick.
The fact that something written 130 years ago has a stronger woman in it than a modern day television program makes me so utterly angry. And Moffat does it to the women in Dr Who as well..."
if you read that all, well done
you now know moffat's problems in writing
(also soup that remark about "Unnecessary romance and such" was incredibly stereotypical and you should be ashamed. one of the producers actually said "There's this idea that a man and a woman can't be together on a show especially without needing to be together sexually or in love or whatever, and this is really about the evolution of a friendship and how that happens. Watching that should be as much the story of this show as the mysteries that you see week in and week out about who killed who". so in summary youre an enormous doofus who leaped to conclusions that shouldnt have been made. thank you)
rugs wrote:
(also soup that remark about "Unnecessary romance and such" was incredibly stereotypical and you should be ashamed. one of the producers actually said "There's this idea that a man and a woman can't be together on a show especially without needing to be together sexually or in love or whatever, and this is really about the evolution of a friendship and how that happens. Watching that should be as much the story of this show as the mysteries that you see week in and week out about who killed who". so in summary youre an enormous doofus who leaped to conclusions that shouldnt have been made. thank you)
I never said that they COULDN'T work together without it happening, but we've all watched TV before right?
If all of the producers or writers whatever don't ever end up putting them together or playing with the idea of it and follow through on that quote, it'd be amazing.
Sherlock Holmes, I've heard some where. Ahh, Yes during the high school there is a story called "hound of baskervilles" in that Sherlock Holmes was the detective who deals and fix the case. Cool one
Can i watch it online?
I agree. That makes so much more sense. I always knew he faked it, but I wondered how and this explained it :3 can't wait for series 3!! But it won't come out for a Long time. :"( I'm completley obsessed with this show <3 <3 if someone said sherlock is stupid I'd be all like, "please don't talk you lower the IQ of the whole street." X3 I SHIP JAWNLOCK!