I know a way to get a page that is entirely comments. Want to know how?
Well, here's an example: Take this project, http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Paddle2See/3029412
Let's say you wanted to see the first page of comments.
What you would do first it replace the "Paddle2See" in the URL with "renderComments".
It should look like this: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/renderComments/3029412
Now, add "/0/?page=" , and after the =, type 1. It will look like this: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/renderComments/3029412/0/?page=1
Now, when you press "enter" in the browser bar, it will take you to page 1 of the comments.
Pretty nifty, huh? Anyone else know about this trick?
Yep! You can also do the same thing with galleries and users.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
like if you wanted a gallery RPG
It works with galleries, too. I wanted to read a scene from an RPG on a gallery over my DSI once, used the trick, and it worked!
Last edited by samid11 (2013-01-11 13:05:09)
Interesting, I didn't actually know that.
I knew about that for a long time. Google has a habit of indexing those pages for some reason. ^^