I guess this is what you're looking for:
amcerbu wrote:
If you take an arbitrary angle that measures the offset from the x-axis (so, imagine angle = 0 is pointing straight right), you can take the sine or the cosine of the angle to give you a value. This value represents the length along the y (sine) or x (cosine) axis of a line drawn with that angle and a length of 1. For that reason, sin(angle)^2 + cos(angle)^2 = 1. Since drawing from (0, 0) to (cos(angle), sin(angle)) will always give you a line of length 1, you can draw a line with a length of 10 by going from the origin to (10 * cos(angle), 10 * sin(angle)). Does that make sense?
So, to make a circle, all we have to do is start with an angle variable, and increment it so that it moves all the way around a circle.
One thing to know: the "angle" argument that the sine and cosine functions take is not the same as "Scratch" angles, where 90 is right, 0 is up, etc. Here, 0 is right, 90 is up, 180 is left, and 270 (or, -90, equivalently). The sine and cosine functions don't worry about how many rotations you have completed. sin(270) is the same as sin(630), and even sin(990).when gf clicked set [angle v] to [0] repeat(360) pen up go to x: (0) y: (0) pen down go to x: ((100) * ([cos v] of (angle))) y: ((100) * ([sin v] of (angle))) change [angle v] by (1) end