I want to use an old image from the 1945's in one of my artworks. Its a very popular image on the internet but the photographer is unknown. Can i use it or are there copyright issues?
You shouldn't have a problem with that, i believe it would be public domain anyway
what is the image?
also welcome to the forums!
Copyright in the U.S. expires after 70 years of the death of the author of the work (and I think 50 in the EU but I don't want to give false information). However, since the work hasn't been claimed by anyone, you can put it into the project without problem.
Anyway, there's an explicit exemption for fair use, which means you can use the work even if it is copyrighted as long as it's for educational purposes. It's a bit more complicated than that, but it means that you can safely put it in your Scratch Project.
LS97 wrote:
Copyright in the U.S. expires after 70 years of the death of the author of the work (and I think 50 in the EU but I don't want to give false information). However, since the work hasn't been claimed by anyone, you can put it into the project without problem.
Just for those interested, here's a pretty good list determining the copyright based on dates and other factors. http://copyright.cornell.edu/resources/publicdomain.cfm
cheddargirl wrote:
LS97 wrote:
Copyright in the U.S. expires after 70 years of the death of the author of the work (and I think 50 in the EU but I don't want to give false information). However, since the work hasn't been claimed by anyone, you can put it into the project without problem.
Just for those interested, here's a pretty good list determining the copyright based on dates and other factors. http://copyright.cornell.edu/resources/publicdomain.cfm
Regardless of a work being protected under copyright, am I right in saying that any use for Scratch is allowed under the U.S. limitations of exclusive rights (articles 107 through 118 of the title 17)?