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This is for people without Scratch installed on their computers. I want to develop a project for my friends but I'm afraid burning it on a CD won't cut it. Can you drag the program Scratch itself onto the CD so the project will run by itself once the CD is inserted in the other person's computer?
normal_girl wrote:
This is for people without Scratch installed on their computers. I want to develop a project for my friends but I'm afraid burning it on a CD won't cut it. Can you drag the program Scratch itself onto the CD so the project will run by itself once the CD is inserted in the other person's computer?
If the computer has scratch on it. I think you can load the project.
Hi normal _girl,
As jvvg pointed out, there is a Scratch2EXE software, developed by Jens, which you might find interesting.
And as for autorun files, here's a simple, concise guide about it c:
it is very cumbersome to put the entire program on the disc, also the project may not open because the program would be in an unusual location (i assume)
Thanks guys! So I guess all I do is download the ScratchExe software?
Yes, then convert your project into an exe file.
normal_girl wrote:
Thanks guys! So I guess all I do is download the ScratchExe software?
Then run your SB through it, to create an EXE.
You can also open it in BYOB and select "Share" and then "Compile This Project..." to create an EXE.
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