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#26 2012-12-14 09:14:27

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: Batch Official Topic

jontmy00 wrote:

mythbusteranimator wrote:

jontmy00 wrote:

I need MBA's code for a Mac. > tongue

Does Mac have command prompt? Or Notepad?

Terminal, TextEdit.

Try google..I dunno.  tongue



#27 2012-12-14 10:51:22

Registered: 2011-02-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Batch Official Topic

jontmy00 wrote:

mythbusteranimator wrote:

jontmy00 wrote:

I need MBA's code for a Mac. > tongue

Does Mac have command prompt? Or Notepad?

Terminal, TextEdit.

applescript is macs version of Batch - much more useful though i think  big_smile




#28 2012-12-14 19:26:24

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 1000+

Re: Batch Official Topic

I love Batch. It is the best shell script language ever!!!... for making viruses.  tongue



#29 2013-04-24 18:24:37

New Scratcher
Registered: 2013-04-20
Posts: 2

Re: Batch Official Topic

About a half a year ago I made this in batch. It is quite long. You won't be able to run it if you just copy and paste because it requires a whole bunch of "system files" to run. Just go to and download the entire package (you have to extract with WinRAR).


echo Booting. . . > dwp\dailylog.dat
echo Booting. . .

@echo off
echo : Reported dostimeday: %time% %date% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo : Reported dostimeday: %time% %date%
set dwpdir=%cd%
echo : Reported dwpsysdirs: %cd%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo : Reported dwpsysdirs: %cd%
set data=dwp\dwpdata.dat
title Booting at %data%. . .
echo Attempting boot at boot-file %data%. . .
echo Attempting boot at boot-file %data%. . . >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%data%'=='' (
 color 04
 echo err BOOT: boot file not specified
 echo err BOOT: boot file not specified >> dwp\dailylog.dat 
 goto root
if not exist %data% (
 color 04
 echo err BOOT: boot file nonexistant
 echo err BOOT: boot file nonexistant >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto root
for /f %%a in (%data%) do set %%a
if '%password%'=='' (
 color 04
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt :-P
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto root
echo 12 percent OK
if '%scheme%'=='' (
 color 04
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt :-P
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto root
echo 23 percent OK
if exist %adpth%conn\*.* (
 echo 32 percent OK: %adpth% is true.
 goto load 
if not exist %adpth%conn\*.* (
 echo err BOOT: fact not correct
 echo err 007 network path is corrupt or not found.
 echo 32 percent OK: %adpth% is false. Fix in OPT command.
 echo err BOOT: fact not correct: adhoc path found to be false >> dwp\dailylog.dat

echo 45 percent OK
if '%fcmd%'=='' (
 color 04
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt :-P
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto root
echo 56 percent OK
if '%f1%'=='' (
 color 04
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt :-P
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto root
echo 65 percent OK
if '%f2%'=='' (
 color 04
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt :-P
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto root
echo 77 percent OK
if '%f3%'=='' (
 color 04
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt :-P
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto root
echo 89 percent OK
if '%f4%'=='' (
 color 04
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt :-P
 echo err BOOT: boot-file is corrupt >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto root
echo 100 percent OK
echo boot-file OK: trivial running errors avoided >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo boot-file OK: trivial running errors avoided
set dwpver=6.00
set dwpverfull=6.00.2
echo : Reported sysversion: %dwpver% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo : Reported sysversion: %dwpver%
echo : Reported buildver/s: %dwpverfull% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo : Reported buildver/s: %dwpverfull%
echo : Reported flgsetting: %f4% to use ActiveDir>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%f4%'=='1' set activedir=%cd%
echo : Reported flgsetting: %f4% to use ActiveDir

echo +----------------------------------+
echo [  BOOT-FILE OK Press any key. . . ]
echo +----------------------------------+
color 3%scheme%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DWP Systems (c) MMX - MMXII
echo ****  *   * ****   ****  ***
echo *   * *   * *   * *     *   *
echo *   * *   * *   * *     *   *
echo *   * * * * ****  *     *   * **                 -----------------------
echo ****   * *  *      ****  ***  **                 [VERSION:             ]
echo                                                  [                     ]
echo --------------------------------                 [ ****     ***   ***  ]
echo [     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED-     ]                 [*        *   * *   * ]
echo [   Do not copy except with    ]                 [****     *   * *   * ]
echo [  exclusive permission from   ]                 [*   * ** *   * *   * ]
echo [            DWPCo.            ]                 [ **** **  ***   ***  ]
echo --------------------------------                 -----------------------
echo *********             *********
echo *        *           *         *       +File Management
echo * * ***  *           *         *
echo * *    *  *         *          *       +Wireless Networking 
echo * *  **   *    *    *     *****
echo * * *      **  *  **      *            +Easy to use
echo * *  ***     ** **        *
echo PRESS ANY KEY PRESS ANY KEY PRESS ANY KEY PRESS ANY KEY PRESS ANY KEY - (C)DWPCO--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if '%first%'=='1' goto first

echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DWPSyS ACCOUNTS on %computername%
echo TYPE--NAME----------------------------------------------------------------------
cd dwp\user
for %%a in (*) do echo ACCT  %%a
cd ..\..
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set /p account=Select an account: 
if '%account%'=='' goto account
if not exist dwp\user\%account% goto account
echo If this is the first time using this system, please enter "dsys".
set /p pass=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------DWPSys PASSWORD: 
echo Loading. . .
for /f %%a in (dwp\user\%account%) do set %%a
if '%dwpuser%'=='' (
 color 34
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 012 Account info bad.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 012 Account info bad : FATAL error >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%userstat%'=='' (
 color 34
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 012 Account info bad.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 012 Account info bad : FATAL error >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%pass%'=='%password%' goto cont
color 34
echo +----------------------------+
echo ERR 008 Password is incorrect.
echo +----------------------------+
echo err 008 Password incorrect : FATAL error >> dwp\dailylog.dat

color 3%scheme%

echo DWP Systems V %dwpver% (c)MMXII All Rights Reserved.
echo [Compatible with AdHoc Dynamic 1.00 and AdHoc Comm Tool 1.00]
echo %date% %time% %userstat%
if '%f3%'=='1' (echo : Reported firststart: %fcmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat) else (echo : Reported flgsetting: %f3% defaults to rep >> dwp\dailylog.dat)
if '%f3%'=='0' goto %fcmd%
if '%f4%'=='1' goto activedir

echo ------Ready------ >> dwp\dailylog.dat
color 3b
title DWP Systems V %dwpver%
set cmd=rep
set /p cmd=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------DWPSyS[%dwpver%]- 
if '%cmd%'=='unprotect' goto unprotect
if '%cmd%'=='protect' goto protect
if '%cmd%'=='rcvrdisk' goto rcvrdisk
if '%cmd%'=='archdisk' goto archdisk
if '%cmd%'=='lastcmd' goto lastcmd
if '%cmd%'=='sysdisk' goto sysdisk
if '%cmd%'=='time' goto time
if '%cmd%'=='search' goto search
if '%cmd%'=='cmd' goto cmd
if '%cmd%'=='arch' goto arch
if '%cmd%'=='dbase' goto dbase
if '%cmd%'=='rcvr' goto rcvr
if '%cmd%'=='arcv' goto arcv
if '%cmd%'=='last' goto last
if '%cmd%'=='kd' goto kd
if '%cmd%'=='nd' goto nd
if '%cmd%'=='name' goto name
if '%cmd:~0,5%'=='math$' goto math
if '%cmd%'=='disp' goto disp
if '%cmd%'=='dup' goto dup
if '%cmd%'=='log' goto log
if '%cmd%'=='calc' goto calc
if '%cmd%'=='res' goto res
if '%cmd%'=='info' goto info
if '%cmd%'=='ver' goto ver
if '%cmd%'=='rclx' goto rclx
if '%cmd%'=='rcl' goto rcl
if '%cmd%'=='file' goto file
if '%cmd%'=='close' goto close
if '%cmd%'=='dwpwrit' goto dwpwrit
if '%cmd%'=='rep' goto rep
if '%cmd%'=='err' goto err
if '%cmd%'=='app' goto app
if '%cmd%'=='appo' goto appo
if '%cmd%'=='con' goto con
if '%cmd%'=='help' goto help
if '%cmd%'=='clr' goto clr
if '%cmd%'=='opt' goto opt
if '%cmd%'=='hello' goto hello
if '%cmd%'=='check' goto check
if '%cmd%'=='cleanup' goto cleanup
if '%f2%'=='1' if exist dwp\cons\%cmd%.bat call dwp\cons\%cmd%.bat
echo +------------------+
echo ERR 001 Bad Command.
echo +------------------+
echo err 001 %cmd% : Bad Command >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] rcl >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%f4%'=='1' goto activedir
goto cmden

echo [command] file >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set dir=
set /p dir=Directory: 
echo [query] plea for directory parameter returned as %dir% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%dir%'=='' (
 echo +-----------------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Bad or nonexistant directory.
 echo +-----------------------------------+
 echo err 002 Bad or nonexistant directory: %dir% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %dir% (
 echo +-----------------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Bad or nonexistant directory.
 echo +-----------------------------------+
 echo err 002 Bad or nonexistant directory: %dir% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if '%dir%'=='.' (
 set contdir=%dwpdir%
 goto filecont
if '%dir:~0,1%'=='\' (
 set contdir=%dwpdir:~-0,2%%dir%
 goto filecont
if not '%dir:~1,1%'==':' (
 set contdir=%dwpdir%\%dir%
 goto filecont
set contdir=%dir%

echo Files in 
echo %contdir:~0,73%
if not '%contdir:~73,146%'=='' echo %contdir:~73,143% 
echo Stat--Type--Name----------------------------------------------------------
if '%dir:~1,1%'==':' if exist %dir:~0,2% %dir:~0,2%
cd %dir%
if not exist *.* echo No files exist. . .
for %%a in (*.txt.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.jot.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.log.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.doc.str) do echo STOR  DOCU  %%a 
for %%a in (*.dbs.str) do echo STOR  DATA  %%a 
for %%a in (*.dat.str) do echo STOR  SYS+  %%a 
for %%a in (*.ssc.str) do echo STOR  SPRO  %%a 
for %%a in (*.exe.str) do echo STOR  PROG  %%a 
for %%a in (*.dll.str) do echo STOR  PROG  %%a 
for %%a in (*.bat.str) do echo STOR  MSDS  %%a 
for %%a in (*.com.str) do echo STOR  MSDS  %%a 
for %%a in (*.bin.str) do echo STOR  1010  %%a 
for %%a in (*.cpl.str) do echo STOR  WN32  %%a 
for %%a in (*.str.lck) do echo STOR  READ  %%a
for %%a in (*.ppt.str) do echo STOR  SLID  %%a
for %%a in (*.prj.str) do echo STOR  PTOP  %%a
for %%a in (*.lck) do echo READ-ONLY!  %%a
for %%a in (*.txt) do echo NORM  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.jot) do echo NORM  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.log) do echo NORM  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.doc) do echo NORM  DOCU  %%a
for %%a in (*.dbs) do echo NORM  DATA  %%a
for %%a in (*.dat) do echo NORM  SYS+  %%a
for %%a in (*.ssc) do echo NORM  SPRO  %%a
for %%a in (*.exe) do echo NORM  PROG  %%a
for %%a in (*.dll) do echo NORM  PROG  %%a
for %%a in (*.bat) do echo NORM  MSDS  %%a
for %%a in (*.com) do echo NORM  MSDS  %%a
for %%a in (*.bin) do echo NORM  1010  %%a
for %%a in (*.cpl) do echo NORM  WN32  %%a
for %%a in (*.ppt) do echo NORM  SLID  %%a
for %%a in (*.prj) do echo NORM  PTOP  %%a
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Subdirectories in 
echo %contdir:~0,73%
if not '%contdir:~73,146%'=='' echo %contdir:~73,143%
echo Name----------------------------------------------------------------------
dir /b | find /v "."
cd %dwpdir%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
goto cmden

goto rclx

echo [command] close >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p cmd=Exit (Y/N)? 
echo [query] plea for closed-response returned as %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat 
if '%cmd%'=='y' (
 echo : Reported dostimeday: %time% %date% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 echo ! terminated by manual shutdown ! >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto end
goto cmden

call dwp\cons\dwpwrit.bat
echo [command] dwpwrit : session running >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] rep >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] err >> dwp\dailylog.dat
type dwp\errcds.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] app >> dwp\dailylog.dat
type dwp\app\*.icn > dwp\app.dat
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------APPLICATIONS FOUND in dwp\app\
type dwp\app.dat
if '%f4%'=='1' (
 echo Press any key. . .
 goto activedir
goto cmden

echo [command] appo >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p cmd=Application: 
if '%cmd%'=='' set cmd=q
if '%cmd%'=='help' goto help
echo [query] plea for application returned as %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if not exist dwp\app\%cmd%.bat (
 echo +------------------------------+
 echo ERR 004 Nonexistant application.
 echo +------------------------------+
 echo err 004 Nonexistant application: %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
start dwp\app\%cmd%.bat
echo Application "%cmd%" is running. . .
echo Application running: %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] con >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p conn=External console command: 
if '%conn%'=='' set conn=q
echo [query] plea for external console command returned as %conn% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if not exist dwp\cons\%conn%.bat (
 echo +-----------------------------------+
 echo ERR 005 Bad external console command.
 echo +-----------------------------------+
 echo err 005 Bad external console command: %conn% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
set con=1
title DWP Systems V %dwpver% - %conn%
call dwp\cons\%conn%.bat
echo ! external console command terminated ! >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo : Reported erconmeans: %conerr% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set con=0
goto cmden

echo [command] help >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p cmd=Topic (default is COMMAND HELP): 
echo [query] plea for helptopic returned as %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if exist dwp\help\help%cmd%.dat (
 type dwp\help\help%cmd%.dat | more
 goto cmden
) else (
 type dwp\help.dat | more
 goto cmden

echo [command] clr >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p cmd=File: 
if '%cmd%'=='' set cmd=q
echo [query] plea for file returned as %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if not exist %cmd% (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if '%cmd:~-4%'=='.lck' (
 echo +--------------------+
 echo ERR 011 Access denied.
 echo +--------------------+
 echo err 011 Access denied: file is read-only>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
del %cmd%
if not exist %cmd% echo File %cmd% deleted.
if exist %cmd% (
 echo +---------------------------+
 echo ERR 006 corrupt system files.
 echo +---------------------------+
 echo err 006 corrupt system files: suggests redownloading latest patch for DWPSys >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 echo (File not deleted)
 echo : Reported filestatus: normal >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
echo : Reported filestatus: deleted >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] opt >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DWP Options [%dwpver%]
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo  [1] %userstat%
echo  [2] %dwpuser%
echo  [3] %password%
echo  [4] %adpth%
echo  [5] %fcmd%
echo  [A] Flags Menu
echo  [b] Account Manager
echo  [C] Exit
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set /p cmd=Choose corresponding- 
echo [query] plea for option returned as %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%cmd%'=='1' goto opt1
if '%cmd%'=='2' goto opt2
if '%cmd%'=='3' goto opt3
if '%cmd%'=='4' goto opt4
if '%cmd%'=='5' goto opt5
if '%cmd%'=='a' goto flags
if '%cmd%'=='c' goto wrt
if '%cmd%'=='b' goto accmgr
goto opt

set /p userstat=User Statistics: 
echo [query] plea for user statistics returned as %userstat% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto opt

set /p dwpuser=Username: 
echo [query] plea for username returned as %dwpuser% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto opt

set /p password=New Password: 
echo [query] plea for password returned as %password% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto opt

set /p adpth=AdHoc path: 
echo [query] plea for adhoc path returned as %adpth% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto opt

set /p fcmd=Command to run on startup: 
echo [query] plea for firststart command returned as %fcmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto opt

echo userstat=%userstat% > dwp\user\%account%
echo dwpuser=%dwpuser% >> dwp\user\%account%
echo password=%password% > %data%
echo adpth=%adpth% >> %data%
echo scheme=b >> %data%
echo first=%first% >> %data%
echo fcmd=%fcmd% >> %data%
echo f1=%f1% >> %data%
echo f2=%f2% >> %data%
echo f3=%f3% >> %data%
echo f4=%f4% >> %data%
echo WROTE ALL DATA to boot-file: %data% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%f4%'=='1' goto activedir
if '%exception1%'=='1' (
 set exception1=0
 goto account
goto cmden

echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DWP Flags [%dwpver%]
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo  [A] Options Menu
echo  [b] Account Manager
echo  [C] Exit
echo  [1] Safe archiving: %f1%
echo  [2] External console command default at prompt: %f2%
echo  [3] Default to rep at rclx/ver: %f3%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set /p cmd=Choose corresponding- 
echo [query] plea for option returned as %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%cmd%'=='a' goto opt
if '%cmd%'=='c' goto wrt
if '%cmd%'=='b' goto accmgr
if '%cmd%'=='1' (
 if '%f1%'=='0' set f1=1
 if '%f1%'=='1' set f1=0
if '%cmd%'=='2' (
 if '%f2%'=='0' set f2=1
 if '%f2%'=='1' set f2=0
if '%cmd%'=='3' (
 if '%f3%'=='0' set f3=1
 if '%f3%'=='1' set f3=0
if '%cmd%'=='4' (
 if '%f4%'=='0' set f4=1
 if '%f4%'=='1' set f4=0
goto flags

echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DWP Account Manager [%dwpver%]
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[A] Options Menu  [b] Flags Menu  [C] Exit ][ (D)elete c(R)eate (I)nfo  
echo STAT--TYPE--NAME----------------------------------------------------------------
cd dwp\user
for %%a in (*) do echo NORM  ACCT  %%a
cd %dwpdir%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set /p cmd=Choose corresponding- 
echo [query] plea for option returned as %cmd%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%cmd%'=='a' goto opt
if '%cmd%'=='b' goto flags
if '%cmd%'=='c' goto wrt
if '%cmd%'=='d' goto delacc
if '%cmd%'=='r' goto createacc
if '%cmd%'=='i' goto infoacc
goto accmgr

set /p cmd=Delete account: 
echo [query] plea for account returned as %cmd%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%cmd%'=='' goto accmgr
if not exist dwp\user\%cmd% goto accmgr
if '%cmd%'=='%dwpuser%' goto accmgr
del dwp\user\%cmd%
goto accmgr

set /p newacc=New account: 
echo [query] plea for account returned as %newacc%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%newacc%'=='' goto accmgr
if exist dwp\user\%newacc% goto accmgr
echo dwpuser=%newacc% > dwp\user\%newacc%
set /p newstt=Account statistic: 
echo [query] plea for statistic returned as %newstt%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo userstat=%newstt% >> dwp\user\%newacc%
goto accmgr

set /p cmd=Account: 
echo [query] plea for account returned as %cmd%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%cmd%'=='' goto accmgr
if not exist dwp\user\%cmd% goto accmgr
for /f %%a in (dwp\user\%cmd%) do set %%a
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Username of %cmd%: %dwpuser%
echo User statistics of %cmd%: %userstat%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRESS ANY KEY
for /f %%a in (dwp\user\%account%) do set %%a
goto accmgr

echo [command] hello >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo Hello, %dwpuser%!
echo : Reported ssusername: %dwpuser% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] info >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo Specified Version: %dwpverfull%
echo Computer: %computername%
echo Time: %time%
echo Date: %date%
echo User: %dwpuser%
echo AdHoc Path: %adpth%
goto cmden

echo [command] check >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if exist %adpth%conn\dyn\*.* (
 echo %adpth% is true.
 echo : Reported true?adhoc: true >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %adpth%conn\dyn\*.* (
 echo %adpth% is false.
 echo : Reported true?adhoc: false >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 echo +-------------------------------------------+
 echo ERR 007 Network path is corrupt or not found.
 echo +-------------------------------------------+
 echo err 007 Network path is corrupt or not found: %adpth% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden

echo [command] res >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto root

echo [command] calc >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo Calculator:
echo Use "*", "/", "+", "-", "()" for appropriate uses:
set calc=
set /p calc=
echo [query] plea for expression returned as %calc% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%calc%'=='' (
 echo +-----------------+
 echo ERR 001 Bad syntax.
 echo +-----------------+
 echo err 001 Bad syntax. >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
set /a ans=%calc%
echo Answer: %ans%
echo : Reported expanswers: %ans% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] log >> dwp\dailylog.dat
type dwp\help\helpchangelog.dat | more
goto cmden

echo [command] dup >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p src=Source: 
echo [query] plea for source returned as %src% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%src%'=='' (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %src% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if '%src:~-4%'=='.lck' (
 echo +--------------------+
 echo ERR 011 Access denied.
 echo +--------------------+
 echo err 011 Access denied: %src% defined as read-only>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %src% (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %src% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
set /p trg=Target: 
echo [query] plea for target returned as %trg% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%trg%'=='' (
 echo +---------------------------+
 echo ERR 010 File agreement error.
 echo +---------------------------+
 echo err 010 File agreement error: %trg% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if '%src%'=='%trg%' (
 echo +---------------------------+
 echo ERR 010 File agreement error.
 echo +---------------------------+
 echo err 010 File agreement error: %src% to %trg% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if '%trg:~-4%'=='.lck' (
 echo +--------------------+
 echo ERR 011 Access denied.
 echo +--------------------+
 echo err 011 Access denied: %trg% defined as read-only>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
copy %src% %trg% /y
goto cmden

echo [command] disp >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p file=Display file: 
echo [query] plea for display file returned as %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if not exist %file% (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
type %file% | more
goto cmden

echo [command] cleanup >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p cmd=This will delete a lot of files. Are you sure (Y/N)? 
echo [query] plea for closed-response returned as %cmd% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%cmd%'=='y' (
 echo Deleting temp files. . .
 del c:\windows\temp\*.* /q
 echo Deleting DWPSys downloads and temp files. . .
 del dwp\downloads\*.* /q
 del dwp\temp\*.* /q
 echo Successful!
goto cmden

echo [command] math$ >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo [query] plea for expression returned as %cmd:~5,20% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%cmd:~5,20%'=='' (
 echo +-----------------+
 echo ERR 001 Bad syntax.
 echo +-----------------+
 echo err 001 Bad syntax. >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
set /a calc=%cmd:~5,20%
echo Answer: %calc%
echo : Reported expanswers: %calc% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] name >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p file=Rename file: 
echo [query] plea for file returned as %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%file:~-4%'=='.lck' (
 echo +--------------------+
 echo ERR 011 Access denied.
 echo +--------------------+
 echo err 011 Access denied: %file% defined as read-only>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %file% (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
set /p name=New name: 
echo [query] plea for new name returned as %name% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%file%'=='%name%' goto nerr10
ren %file% %name%
echo The file %file% is now known as %name%.
goto cmden

echo [resource] first time users >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIRST TIME USERS!
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo When you come to use this program, and after typing in "dsys", you usually come
echo to a prompt with a line and the current version of DWP Systems. However, this
echo is your first time using the program. If it is not, you've been messing with
echo system files. Not our fault.
echo Using DWPSys is very similar to using MS-DOS, but it is a bit less cryptic and
echo a lot more user friendly. Also, the program is constantly updated either on
echo the "adnet" or on the internet at There you can download any
echo new updates that are in store. Right now, the version on this machine is
echo %dwpver%.
echo When you get to the prompt, basically the system is ready to work, but it has
echo no instruction, so it sits idle with the cursor blinking. A way to get a list
echo commands is to type help, press enter, leave the subsequent topic field
echo blank, and press enter.
echo The best way to figure out how things work is to experiment.
echo -Hope this helps! DWPCo. PRESS ANY KEY. . .
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIRST TIME USER ACCOUNT SETUP
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set /p dwpuser=Username for account: 
set /p userstat=Anything (no spaces): 
echo dwpuser=%dwpuser% > dwp\user\%adwpuser%
echo userstat=%userstat% >> dwp\user\%dwpuser%
set account=%dwpuser%
echo When prompted, your password is "dsys".
echo You can change all other settings, including the password, in the "opt" command
echo interface. Once you go on to the next screen, the account selection interface,
echo key in the right account you see displayed that you just made. Once again, if
echo there is more than one account, than someone has been messing with the system
echo files.
echo Once you get to the prompt, use the HELP command leaving the topic field blank.
echo This will give you a list of commands with brief discriptions.
echo PRESS ANY KEY. . .
set first=0
set exception1=1
goto wrt

echo [command] nd >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p file=New directory: 
echo [query] plea for new directory returned as %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if exist %file% (
 echo Directory "%file%" already exists.
 goto cmden
) else (
 md %file%
 echo Directory "%file%" created and ready to use.
 goto cmden

echo [command] kd >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p file=Kill directory: 
echo [query] plea for new directory returned as %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if exist %file% (
 rd %file% /s /q
 echo Directory %file% killed.
 goto cmden
) else (
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant directory.
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo err 002 Directory does not exist: %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden

echo [command] last >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo ----SYSTEM LOG----
type dwp\dailylog.dat | more
goto cmden

echo [command] arcv >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p file=File: 
echo [query] plea for file returned as %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if not exist %file% (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
copy %file% dwp\archive\%file%.str /y
echo File %file% was archived.
if '%f1%'=='0' (
 if '%file%'=='*' goto arcvrr011
 if '%file:~0,1%'=='*' goto arcverr011
 if '%file:~1,1%'=='*' goto arcverr011
 if '%file:~2,1%'=='*' goto arcverr011
 if '%file:~-4%'=='.lck' goto arcverr011
 if exist %file% del %file% /q
goto cmden

echo +--------------------+
echo ERR 011 Access denied.
echo +--------------------+
echo err 011 Access denied: %file% defined as read-only>> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] rcvr >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p file=File: 
echo [query] plea for file returned as %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if not exist dwp\archive\%file%.str (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %file%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
copy dwp\archive\%file%.str %file% /y
echo File %file% recovered.
if '%f1%'=='0' (
 if '%file:~-4%'=='.lck' goto rcvrerr011
 del dwp\archive\%file%.str /q
goto cmden

echo +--------------------+
echo ERR 011 Access denied.
echo +--------------------+
echo err 011 Access denied: %file% defined as read-only>>dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

set /p db=Database: 
if not exist %db% (
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file.
 goto cmden
title [%db%] - DWP Systems V %dwpver%

set cmd=
set /p cmd=[%db%]: 
set cond=
set /p cond=Functions: 
if '%cmd%'=='' goto dbcmd
if '%cmd%'=='close' (
 goto cmden
if not exist dwp\dbase\%cmd%.bat goto dbcmd
call dwp\dbase\%cmd%.bat %cond%
goto dbcmd

echo [command] arch >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Archive Directory: dwp\archive
echo Stat--Type--Name----------------------------------------------------------
cd dwp\archive
for %%a in (*.txt.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.jot.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.log.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a 
for %%a in (*.doc.str) do echo STOR  DOCU  %%a 
for %%a in (*.dbs.str) do echo STOR  DATA  %%a 
for %%a in (*.dat.str) do echo STOR  SYS+  %%a 
for %%a in (*.ssc.str) do echo STOR  SPRO  %%a 
for %%a in (*.exe.str) do echo STOR  PROG  %%a 
for %%a in (*.dll.str) do echo STOR  PROG  %%a 
for %%a in (*.bat.str) do echo STOR  MSDS  %%a 
for %%a in (*.com.str) do echo STOR  MSDS  %%a 
for %%a in (*.bin.str) do echo STOR  1010  %%a 
for %%a in (*.cpl.str) do echo STOR  WN32  %%a 
for %%a in (*.str.lck) do echo STOR  READ  %%a 
cd %dwpdir%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
goto cmden

echo [command] cmd >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo Commands for DWPSyS %dwpver%:
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo app       close     file      math$    rcvrdisk
echo appo      clr       hello     name     rep
echo arch      con       help      nd       res
echo arcv      dbase     info      opt      search
echo arcvdisk  disp      kd        protect  sysdisk
echo calc      dup       last      rcl      time
echo check     dwpwrit   lastcmd   rclx     unprotect
echo cleanup   err       log       rcvr     ver
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo 43 Genuine commands for DWPSyS (c)MMXII
echo Help Topics for DWPSyS %dwpver%:
echo Enter help command and type topic into "topic" field.
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo (blank)    arcv       options   systemfiles
echo basic      changelog  flags
echo interface  extra      accntmgr
echo file       oldver     upcoming
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
goto cmden

echo [command] time >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo Time: %time%
echo Date: %date%
echo : Reported dostimeday: %time% %date% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] search >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set dir=
set /p dir=Directory: 
echo [query] plea for directory returned as %dir% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%dir%'=='' (
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant directory.
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant directory: %dir% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %dir% (
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant directory.
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant directory: %dir% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
set file=
set /p file=Keyword or file in %dir%: 
echo [query] plea for keyword returned as %file% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if '%dir:~-1%'=='\' (echo Results for %dir% "%file%" :) else (echo Results for %dir%\ "%file%") 
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if '%dir:~1,1%'==':' if exist %dir:~0,2% %dir:~0,2%
cd %dir%
for %%a in (*.txt.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.jot.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.doc.str) do echo STOR  DOCU  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.dbs.str) do echo STOR  DATA  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.dat.str) do echo STOR  SYS+  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.ssc.str) do echo STOR  SPRO  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.exe.str) do echo STOR  PROG  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.dll.str) do echo STOR  PROG  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.bat.str) do echo STOR  MSDS  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.com.str) do echo STOR  MSDS  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.bin.str) do echo STOR  1010  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.cpl.str) do echo STOR  WN32  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.str.lck) do echo READ-ONLY!  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.lck) do echo READ-ONLY!  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.txt) do echo NORM  TEXT  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.jot) do echo NORM  TEXT  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.doc) do echo NORM  DOCU  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.dbs) do echo NORM  DATA  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.dat) do echo NORM  SYS+  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.ssc) do echo NORM  SPRO  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.exe) do echo NORM  PROG  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.dll) do echo NORM  PROG  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.bat) do echo NORM  MSDS  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.com) do echo NORM  MSDS  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.bin) do echo NORM  1010  %%a | find "%file%"
for %%a in (*.cpl) do echo NORM  WN32  %%a | find "%file%"
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
cd %dwpdir%
goto cmden

echo +---------------------------+
echo ERR 010 File agreement error.
echo +---------------------------+
echo err 010 File agreement error: %file% to %name% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
goto cmden

echo [command] sysdisk >> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p disk=Disk: 
echo [query] plea for disk returned as %disk% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%disk%'=='' (
 echo +------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant drive.
 echo +------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant drive: -blank->> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if '%disk%'=='c:' (
 echo +--------------------+
 echo ERR 011 Access denied.
 echo +--------------------+
 echo err 011 Access denied to format "c:" >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not '%disk:~1,1%'==':' (
 echo +-------------------------------------+
 echo ERR --- Place colon after drive letter.
 echo +-------------------------------------+
 echo err --- Place colon after drive letter: %disk% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %disk% (
 echo +------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant drive.
 echo +------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant drive: %disk% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
echo Adding system files. . .
echo Adding system files to %disk%. . . >> dwp\dailylog.dat
copy dwp.bat %disk%\dwp.bat
if exist %disk%\dwp.bat (echo Central system file complete.) else (echo Failed at central system file.)
if exist %disk%\dwp.bat (echo Central system file complete. >> dwp\dailylog.dat) else (echo Failed at central system file. >> dwp\dailylog.dat)
xcopy dwp %disk%\dwp\ /s /e /q /k /y
if exist %disk%\dwp\ (echo 31 system files complete.) else (echo Failed at 31 system files.)
if exist %disk%\dwp\ (echo 31 system files complete. >> dwp\dailylog.dat) else (echo Failed at 31 system files. >> dwp\dailylog.dat) 
goto cmden

echo [command] lastcmd >> dwp\dailylog.dat
type dwp\dailylog.dat | find "[command]" | more
goto cmden

echo [command] archdisk>> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p disk=Disk: 
echo [query] plea for disk returned as %disk% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%disk%'=='' (
 echo +------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant drive.
 echo +------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant drive: -blank- >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if '%disk%'=='c:' (
 echo +--------------------+
 echo ERR 011 Access denied.
 echo +--------------------+
 echo err 011 Access denied to write to "c:" >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not '%disk:~1,1%'==':' (
 echo +-------------------------------------+
 echo ERR --- Place colon after drive letter.
 echo +-------------------------------------+
 echo err --- Place colon after drive letter: %disk% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %disk% (
 echo +------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant drive.
 echo +------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant drive: %disk% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
echo Adding archived files from dwp\archive directory. . .
if not exist dwp\archive\*.str (
 echo There were no archived files to copy to the disk.
 echo There were no archived files to copy to the disk.>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
copy dwp\archive\*.str %disk%\*.str /y
if exist %disk%\*.str (echo Archived files complete.) else (echo Failed at archived files.)
del dwp\archive\*.* /q
goto cmden

echo [command] rcvrdisk>> dwp\dailylog.dat
set /p disk=Disk: 
echo [query] plea for disk returned as %disk% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%disk%'=='' (
 echo +------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant drive.
 echo +------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant drive: -blank- >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if '%disk%'=='c:' (
 echo +--------------------+
 echo ERR 011 Access denied.
 echo +--------------------+
 echo err 011 Access denied to write to "c:" >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not '%disk:~1,1%'==':' (
 echo +-------------------------------------+
 echo ERR --- Place colon after drive letter.
 echo +-------------------------------------+
 echo err Place colon after drive letter: %disk% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %disk% (
 echo +------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant drive.
 echo +------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant drive: %disk% >> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Archived contents of %disk%
echo Stat--Type--Name----------------------------------------------------------
for %%a in (*.txt.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.jot.str) do echo STOR  TEXT  %%a
for %%a in (*.doc.str) do echo STOR  DOCU  %%a
for %%a in (*.dbs.str) do echo STOR  DATA  %%a
for %%a in (*.ssc.str) do echo STOR  SPRO  %%a
for %%a in (*.dat.str) do echo STOR  SYS+  %%a
for %%a in (*.exe.str) do echo STOR  PROG  %%a
for %%a in (*.bat.str) do echo STOR  MSDS  %%a
for %%a in (*.str.lck) do echo READ-ONLY!  %%a
cd %dwpdir%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
set /p file=Above file (do not include .str at end): 
echo [query] plea for file returned as %file%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if not exist %disk%\%file%.str (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %disk%\%file%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
copy %disk%\%file%.str %file% /y
echo File "%file%" recovered.
if '%f1%'=='0' del %disk%\%file%.str /q
goto cmden

echo [command] protect>> dwp\dailylog.dat
set dir=%dwpdir%
set /p dir=Directory (default is %dwpdir%): 
echo [query] plea for directory returned as %dir%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%dir%'=='' (
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant directory.
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant directory: %dir%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %dir% (
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant directory.
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant directory: %dir%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
set /p file=File to write-protect: 
echo [query] plea for file returned as %file%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%file%'=='' (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %dir%\%file%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %dir%\%file% (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %dir%\%file%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %dir%\%file%.lck goto protectcont
set /p cmd=The file already exists, do you wish to continue (Y/N)? 
if '%cmd%'=='y' (
 del %dir%\%file%.lck
 goto protectcont
goto cmden

ren %dir%\%file% %file%.lck
echo File is now write-protected. WINDOWS applications will still be able to
echo access the file, however.
goto cmden

echo [command] unprotect>> dwp\dailylog.dat
set dir=%dwpdir%
set /p dir=Directory (default is %dwpdir%): 
echo [query] plea for directory returned as %dir%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%dir%'=='' (
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant directory.
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant directory: %dir%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %dir% (
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant directory.
 echo +----------------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant directory: %dir%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
set /p file=File to return to normal: 
echo [query] plea for file returned as %file%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
if '%file%'=='' (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %dir%\%file%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %dir%\%file%.lck (
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo ERR 002 Nonexistant file.
 echo +-----------------------+
 echo err 002 Nonexistant file: %dir%\%file%>> dwp\dailylog.dat
 goto cmden
if not exist %dir%\%file% goto unprotectcont
set /p cmd=The file already exists, do you wish to continue (Y/N)? 
if '%cmd%'=='y' (
 del %dir%\%file%
 goto unprotectcont
goto cmden

ren %dir%\%file%.lck %file%
echo File is now normal status. Access is now open.
goto cmden

if '%con%'=='1' set conerr=manual shutdown



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