Forum entries? Explain? Do you mean signature?
For pictures, get it's code/URL and put it in here:
[img]Image Code/URL here[/img]
As for signatures, you need to click the Profile button thats on the top of every forum page, then click on Personality and put the signature you want into the text box.
I hope that this helps!
Last edited by ErnieParke (2012-12-04 19:29:07)
ErnieParke wrote:
For pictures, get it's code/URL and put it in here:
[url]Image Code/URL here[/img]
As for signatures, you need to click the Profile button thats on the top of every forum page, then click on Personality and put the signature you want into the text box.
I hope that this helps!
Where would I find the url code, should I include the [img]'s at the begining? Can you please explain the steps?