My video card is delivering the same number of pixels as the lcd panel has. I can barely read the text on the blocks (I hope that is the correct term). Is there a way to make the blocks bigger without messing around with pixel counts or desktop size?
Ubuntu Linux with nothing special onboard video card.
That's an interesting issue, I've never heard of that happening before. Could you possibly provide a link to a screenshot?
A screenshot would definitely help. Also, how did you install Scratch? Via the Ubuntu Software Centre, or by compiling the tar bundle?
I think I just used apt-get on Lubuntu Quantal Linux. I would have to hunt a bit to see which repository. The text is fine; I would just like the blocks and their text larger. Perhaps there is a hidden setting or config file for this? I will have to switch window managers before I can make a screen shot, but there is really nothing that it would show. I would just like the blocks bigger. I have 1650 pixels of LCD and the blocks are, let's say, 150 pixels wide. As you say, no one else has griped, so maybe there is an obvious setting for this. If you really think a screenshot will help, I will make one. Thanks for the replies.
I'm pretty sure text size can be changed in Scratch's language files - I believe the Japanese translation uses a larger font. Try editing said language files and see if you can do something.