If you don't understand what I mean, go to this project: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/BurritoSM/2918480
Hello, I am having slight difficulties with my timer/score keeper.
In each sprite of it, I have the following script:
when gf clicked forever wait (0.01) next costume endAnyways, I add 1000% of the wait time to each timer, so I have one that goes 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 seconds. My problem is that my 1 and 10 sprite are off. My 10 changes before my 1 gets even to 9.
when gf clicked forever wait (1) secs next costume end
BurritoSM wrote:
ErnieParke wrote:
Are you sure that you have the right delay for your 10?
Yes, I have checked it several times.
Maybe you have the 10 and some other number switched so that they're in the wrong positions?
I think it's to do with the timing of scratch itself. Try doing something like this:
when gf clicked //in the 1 sprite forever wait (1) secs next costume if <(costume #) = (10)> broadcast [next1 v] when i receive [next1 v] //In the 10 sprite next costume if <(costume #) = (10)> broadcast [next2 v] when i receive [next2 v] //In the 100 sprite next costume if <(costume#) = (10)> broadcast [next3 v]...and so on for all the sprites you need.
Last edited by joefarebrother (2012-11-19 16:52:26)