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#1 2012-11-16 22:35:20

Registered: 2011-09-27
Posts: 100+

Republic of Gray- A Survival and Town Server

I tried to do this a while ago... failed miserably. I'm going to try again. Instead of telling you guys a long story, here's the specs: this server has no plugins, completely survival. Hosted on Minefold (which I hate). Events will be hosted, yes. I have a special town system developed for this server. Lets see if I can remember it.
GrayTowns: A server side town system with no plugins.
-Population: The amount of people in a town
-Trade: The average trade of items a town trades with other towns or merchants. If your town traded 7 items every day for a week but 13 on Friday, you do the math and your average is 9.85714286. So that's your trade.
-Status: This factor is dependant on your population.
Run Down: Cobble houses, less than 2 people living there.
Small Town: Wooden houses, less than 4 people.
Town: Different kinds of wood houses, stone brick, 5 or more residents.
Run Down towns cannot trade more than 7 items per week. Small towns cannot trade more than 13 items per week. Towns can trade as much as they need. Becoming a town is one goal of the server players.

The server is not whitelisted. Rules are in spawn. You don't have to have Skype. Maybe I will put up a reddit post for this and possibly have someone else host it. Maybe. This all depends on you guys. I can't check scratch often for messages, sorry. IP:

Be safe and have a happy thanksgiving!  smile

Heavy artillery is the answer to everything! Try it.



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