Post a link to your best projects in a replie to this thread. To post a link, right click on a link to your project and select copy shortcut or copy link, then right click where you want to put the link and select paste. Only put your top 3 or 4 projects, and put them in the order from worst to best, and number them starting swith 4 or 3, depending on how many projects you post, and end with one. For each one, (if you want to), put a description of the project.
My Best Projects- 4- this is a project where you play air hockey. 3- this is a project where you drive a car. 2- this is a project where you get to make your character ride a line.
And finally, #1- This is a project where you get to see two 3d heads spin up and down, and you can change the background, the head's colors, and the head's sizes.
Offline Its a star wars thing
It's a draw between two of my games: (download and play in presentation mode to work!!) (no need to download)