Many questions are flying around about Scratch 2.0, so I just wanted to answer some.
1. Vector Graphics
2. Cloud Data
3. user id
4. new scrolling blocks
5. new stop block
6. stamp transparency
7. cloning
8. possible code editing
9. custom blocks
10. new paint editor
11. sound editor
12. block speed
13. time blocks
1. In Scratch 2.0 there are vector graphics. These create less pixelated views than the old graphics. If a sprite is enlarged, the outer edge will still look pretty smooth instead of bumpy and pixelated. They help make more realistic graphics when the size is changed.
2. Cloud data is another new feature. You can create a cloud variable or list, in which information can be stored online. So one person can add something to a list online and the next person who views the project can see it. There can still be non-cloud variables and lists, though. More info is here.
3. The new user id block can be used for many good features, such as saving a game. The first user to view a project gets and keeps the user id of 1, and so forth. More information can be found in this wiki article
4. There are 5 new blocks specifically used for scrolling.
The first two are used for scrolling the stage the entered amount of pixels. The next to are under sensing and are variables that show the x and y position of the STAGE. The last one sets the stage's x and y position in one of 5 options: middle, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, and bottom-right. This feature will help scrolling games to be made easier and with less lag. More can be read here.scroll upscroll rightIfscroll x=2Ifscroll y=2align scenemiddle ▼
The drop-down menu also has these options, as well as possibly more: all, other scripts in sprite, this script (or stop script), and probably all scripts in sprite. There is more info on this block here.stopother scripts in sprite ▼
clone startup is a cap block (like when green flag clicked) that starts all the scripts for the clone. Clones of other sprites can be created in a sprite. More info can be found here.clone startupcrete cloneCreate clone ofsprite 1 ▼delete this clone
Last edited by turkey3 (2012-10-24 21:37:23)
good guide! i doubt that it will be stickied because scratch 2.0 is coming along quickly but it is worthy of it.
dvd4 wrote:
One problem:BYOB blocks are purple.
they used to be brown so thats probably an older screencap
The wiki has an entire list of all the features, with a page for each feature.
joletole wrote:
The wiki has an entire list of all the features, with a page for each feature.
Wiki knows all.