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#1 2012-10-14 17:29:01

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-10-13
Posts: 3


translated by google translator

Hi I'm Oscar and I have 28 years I am determined to learn to program in android programming with scratch and practice I think will help me a lot

I have a question: "Would it be possible to have more than one stage?, and that within each stage is a different object?

I would be a tremendous help when creating the intro, the menu .....
alpha hos here present a game engine I'm creating background sprite RIP and RIP the game shall be completed before your own characters and settings within the game if you own a frame though = BETA

ARROBITA Version 0.0.3

jump up arrow, arrow left and right to move, kick space and down load

still missing lots of things but I hope this prewiev hos leave with good taste

hos on this link and leave a picture that will not let me add

I would have liked to climb the first version but with fewer bugs and more complete but dear perform ALPHA previous question and this seemed like a good way to introduce myself



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