Found a glitch in Scratch's Flash player?
Please report it here!
We need your help making sure the flash player works well, since soon we'll be moving to Scratch 2.0.
Please be sure and include:
1. A link to the project showing the problem (or the name of the project if you don't know how to make a link)
2. Any directions we will need to see the problem. Example: Jump off the top platform and the guy freezes...
3. Which browser you are using. Example: Chrome, IE9, FireFox
Thanks for your help
Some things that we already know about that we aren't planning on fixing:
Stamping with a Ghosted Sprite
The way ghosted stamps has changed - please see Sparks project here for more details and a work-around if this broke your project.
Play Note and Play Drum sounds
All the instruments in the Play Note and Play Drum had to be replaced and will sound somewhat different. The instrument numbers should map back to a sound that is pretty similar - but there will be differences.
Sharp edges on artwork will be blended by dithering the pixels to slightly different shades. Some people like this look - others not so much. It's an artistic design choice.
Also be aware that the Flash player scales when you zoom in and out in your browser, which can distort the graphics slightly. If the text is hard to read or the graphics look strange, make sure that your browser is set to view the page at actual size.
Timing issues
The Flash player is a completely different set of code than Scratch 1.4. So some operations are going to run faster and some might run slower. This can result in changes to the timing of a Scratch project. There's not a lot we can do about that - you might have to make some scripting changes to get the same timing.
Some things that we know about that we are planning on fixing but haven't fixed yet:
Hidden Sprites sensing the Mouse
Currently, the <touching mouse pointer> block is not sensing when the sprite is hidden. This has been added to the bug list to be fixed.
Draggable Sprites also being affected by Movement blocks
We've found a couple of cases where a sprite has been unlocked to make it draggable - but there are also movement blocks active while it is being dragged. The result is some weird movement behavior. This has been added to the bug list to be fixed.
Variable values with trailing non-number characters
In Scratch 1.4, you can use a variable in a math calculation, even if it has characters other than numbers at the end of it (like "320 feet"). The extra characters are ignored. Currently, the Flash player is not being so forgiving and is setting those variables to zero during the calculation. This has been added to the bug list to be fixed.
The Stop All block doesn't stop sounds that are playing
If you have a sound playing and the Stop All block runs - the sound does not stop. This has been added to the bug list to be fixed.
Scratch Player not Loading/Flash not Installed
There are three possible problems: (1) the Scratch player is slow to load over a slow connection, (2) you don't have Adobe Flash, or (3) you do have Adobe Flash, but it is disabled or "blocked".
If (1) is your problem, then be patient. It can take two minutes or more for the Flash player to download over a slow connection. After that, it should stay in your browser's cache for a while (24 hours, I think), so it should start faster after the first time.
To see if your problem is (2) or (3),visit:
If you don't have Flash, that page will tell you how to install it. If you do have Flash and it says you don't, Flash may be blocked or disabled. See:
Some other browser also have settings for disabling/enabling Flash. If you have trouble installing or enabling Flash, one possible solution is to use the Chrome browser, which has the latest Flash built in.
Edit by Lightnin: This post is under my name but Paddle2See did pretty much all the work, making this a clear and succinct summary of all the issues. So: Credit to Paddle2See!
Last edited by johnadmin (2012-10-24 09:16:55)
I have a problem, when i play a project on the flash 2.0 project player, it has this weird text in the middle of the project saying "YOU MUST INSTALL ADOBE FLASH PLAYER TO PLAY THIS PROJECT", i have it installed, i know, i checked if i did, and my computer says i have it, i need help
RoyalToHisLoyal wrote:
I have a problem, when i play a project on the flash 2.0 project player, it has this weird text in the middle of the project saying "YOU MUST INSTALL ADOBE FLASH PLAYER TO PLAY THIS PROJECT", i have it installed, i know, i checked if i did, and my computer says i have it, i need help
I get that message too.
The project works fine though after loading.
RoyalToHisLoyal wrote:
I have a problem, when i play a project on the flash 2.0 project player, it has this weird text in the middle of the project saying "YOU MUST INSTALL ADOBE FLASH PLAYER TO PLAY THIS PROJECT", i have it installed, i know, i checked if i did, and my computer says i have it, i need help
doesn't happen for me
RoyalToHisLoyal wrote:
I have a problem, when i play a project on the flash 2.0 project player, it has this weird text in the middle of the project saying "YOU MUST INSTALL ADOBE FLASH PLAYER TO PLAY THIS PROJECT", i have it installed, i know, i checked if i did, and my computer says i have it, i need help
Same here, but it's fine after it has loaded.
RoyalToHisLoyal wrote:
dan769 wrote:
When trying to drag objects in the objects shoot to the top!
Probably a glitch in your scripts?, maybe.
Same happened to me, and all I did was made the sprite draggable by clicking the padlock, so it's not a scripting error.
I keep getting a message before the project starts saying:
"You need to install Adobe Flash Player"
If you fix that I'll appreciate the help!
On this project, the map shakes back and forth when you view it online. This doesn't happen offline, so it's probably a bug in the player...
not really a glitch but scrolling games have extremely bad lag on fullscreen
Well, the size variable doesn't work, and a program I made called glowy snot clears too fast and work's in the java player, and also the 'if color is touching color' statement doesn't work when an object is hidden on the flash player, but does work on the java player.
It seems that things become very slow in the full screen version of the flash player. Glad to say that the shaking and bad graphics are fixed with v164 or 165 or something like that.
Great job!
I found some problem using the new flash player on my project.
While the game works fine in "Scratch" and using "old java player, following problems have been noted using this new player:
no sound for ball bouncing;
event will not trigger when cat touch the mouse;
speed/side update event does not trigger for both balls.
I will double check my scripts when I have time, and follow up the post when I figure out something. Thx.
dan769 wrote:
When trying to drag objects in the objects shoot to the top!
Interesting! Yep, I would say that is a bug. It appears that the sprite is still responding to sprite movement blocks (like change y) even as it is being dragged. I've added this bug to the bug tracker program for fixing. In the meantime, I have also figured out a workaround over here, if you want it to work right now. Thanks for your help!
RoyalToHisLoyal wrote:
I have a problem, when i play a project on the flash 2.0 project player, it has this weird text in the middle of the project saying "YOU MUST INSTALL ADOBE FLASH PLAYER TO PLAY THIS PROJECT", i have it installed, i know, i checked if i did, and my computer says i have it, i need help
Yeah, I'm seeing that too. It shows that to alert people that don't have Flash so they will know why nothing further is happening. If you do have Flash, it will quickly replace that message as it loads the project. Just ignore it for now...maybe we can come up with something better in the future.
nitromian wrote:
Well, the size variable doesn't work, and a program I made called glowy snot clears too fast and work's in the java player, and also the 'if color is touching color' statement doesn't work when an object is hidden on the flash player, but does work on the java player.
Can you give us some links (or your project name) for the size variable problem and the "color touching color" problem? As for the clearing too fast...there are going to be some timing differences.
I wouldn't say this is a glitch, but something that needs changing: When you scroll over the enlarge button, the image changes to show minimize, which is pretty weird. Shouldn't the enlarge button get bigger, instead of changing to the minimize image?
>Main Passage
>Affected Project
<I use Scratch 1.4
<I use IE.8
<>Test 1, 2, and 4 seems to be only affecting the top left corner.
Effects on Fullscreen does not show up in the project. It seems like it just affects a little of the corners. There is a huge difference from offline, online normal screen, and online full screen.
OS: Windows 7
Browser: Firefox (version unknown)
Description: Will not show project.
Flash version: (won't tell me on flash website. I have it but is says "You have Version". It has no number.
java does work though so it's not a problem with just me.
Last edited by tpaley (2012-10-18 20:40:39)
uh,it's kinda not a glitch,bit pen'd lines come back blured after an object moves over them.
The flash player can't draw something and sense it in the same loop. It also doesn't set. pen sizes over a certain limit. Please fix these problems because most of my games are 1s1s1c. Thanks!
The game, when I uploaded it, fails to stamp when you start
I am using FireFox Browser