Okay, so I've got my lives system all ready EXCEPT for the part when my Sprite looses all their lives... So help with that?! Thanks
That's a bit vague, but I'm pretty sure this is what you mean.
How to end the game when you run out of lives:
Something along these lines:
when gf clicked forever if < (lives) < [1] > broadcast [gameover] and wait end endThen the recipients of the message respond in some way, such as a gameover screen appearing.
when gf clicked forever if < (lives) < [1] > stop all end endOr you could combine the two
when gf clicked forever if < (lives) < [1] > broadcast [gameover] and wait stop all end endThis would stop the game immediately after the gameover functions had finished.
Last edited by MistralWing (2012-10-10 13:30:02)