please take a look at my OS, its not much in the graphics and re-playability section :p
And heres my maze leveler game! part one (part two in projects note)
Willpower_Reviews wrote:
MinstralWIng with Bouncer
(I can't get this to work offline or in flash and I don't have java)
Nothing happens at the start- even with my pushing every button. How do you play?
You're right,it's not clear is it?
Press space to start-the difficulty curve is very steep:most of the game's 10 levels rely on good timing and high accelaration(holding the arrow key down in the direction you travel in).
It's entirely possible though:I just need to start the game off with some more easier levels!
MistralWing with Bouncer
Scripts (Programming) 10/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 9/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 7/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 8.5/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 8/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 9/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 8/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 9/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 8/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 8/10
Personal Opinion- What a fiendish game!! Now I know how to play it is very good- like the mute button I did find a glitch (which makes me happy since I like finding glitches ) When you die on level 2 if you push the down key when you appear again- you can go through blocks (online)
Total 83.5/100
Borrego6165 with ScratchALot
Scripts (Programming) 8/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 4/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 6/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 5/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 4/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 8/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 8/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 6/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 5/10
I feel bad giving you a low score since all your other games have got such high ones! Personal Opinion- Slightly Dull while you wait for things to happen and you run out of resources easily. I did not find any bugs and glitches and gave you are 4/10 for music because it is not really rquired but it would make the game more intresting. I have seen much worse graphics than this (my games for example )
Total 64/100
don't worry about the score, me and ErnieParke (City Tycoon) are remaking it with tonnes of improvements, including a soundtrack from the epic Max05Thirteen, who composed the music for Generation:4001 Gold!
Borrego6165 wrote:
don't worry about the score, me and ErnieParke (City Tycoon) are remaking it with tonnes of improvements, including a soundtrack from the epic Max05Thirteen, who composed the music for Generation:4001 Gold!
I had a look at that after I reviewed the project- it looks good.
2nd Update of Reviewed Projects Gallery
Willpower_Reviews wrote:
rloJunior with Dribble v2
Scripts (Programming) 9.5/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 9/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 7/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 8/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 7/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 9/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 9/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 9/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 8/10
Personal Opinion- I loved it! Great Score, excelente jogo! And that is the limit of my portuguese! I can speak Spanish though..., This is one of the best scores I have seen, It is a very tricky game as well, I did manage to complete it but that was when I thought the red block was the one we control. Wierd how I could do it that way but not the proper way.
Total 85.5/100
Thank you very much.
rlojunior wrote:
Willpower_Reviews wrote:
rloJunior with Dribble v2
Scripts (Programming) 9.5/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 9/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 7/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 8/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 7/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 9/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 9/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 9/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 8/10
Personal Opinion- I loved it! Great Score, excelente jogo! And that is the limit of my portuguese! I can speak Spanish though..., This is one of the best scores I have seen, It is a very tricky game as well, I did manage to complete it but that was when I thought the red block was the one we control. Wierd how I could do it that way but not the proper way.
Total 85.5/100Thank you very much.
No problemo
Notaloser with Windows 7
Scripts (Programming) 8/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 8/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 6/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 7/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 5/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 9/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 6/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 5/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 6/10
This is the highest score I have given to an OS at the moment. Well Done Your right it did not score very high on Re-playability and graphics but made up with it on Complexity and B&G. Personal Opinion- A good OS- More apps please
Total 70/100
Notaloser with Maze Leveller (Part 1 and 2)
Scripts (Programming) 8/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 9/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 8/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 10/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 9/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 9/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 7/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 8/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 9/10
New High Score... I think. Personal Opinion-That 9/10 on personal opinion means I loved it:) I could talk for ages about all the good points... but i wont The only thing you lost points on was Idea because I have seen a lot of games like this
Total 87/100
Please review this:
Sorry if this is not as detailed as myusual reviews but I am really busy with my collab at the moment
Calexby with Space Acadamy- The Battle of station 3
Scripts (Programming) 8.5/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 7/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 8/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 7/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 6/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 9/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 8/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 7.5/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 6/10
Personal Opinion- A cool little game- perfect if you do not have much time . The best feeature of it for me was the way the robot could dodge your lazers and you only lost marks for surprises because you could not really have any
Total 77/100
Hey there, could you please have a look at my Runescape Fight Game
Thanks you very much
Willpower_Reviews wrote:
Sorry if this is not as detailed as myusual reviews but I am really busy with my collab at the moment
Calexby with Space Acadamy- The Battle of station 3
Scripts (Programming) 8.5/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 7/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 8/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 7/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 6/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 9/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 8/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 7.5/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 6/10
Personal Opinion- A cool little game- perfect if you do not have much time . The best feeature of it for me was the way the robot could dodge your lazers and you only lost marks for surprises because you could not really have any
Total 77/100
Thank you very much. Hopefully I'll make some more games of Space Academy which I'll ask you to review.
calebxy wrote:
Willpower_Reviews wrote:
Sorry if this is not as detailed as myusual reviews but I am really busy with my collab at the moment
Calexby with Space Acadamy- The Battle of station 3
Scripts (Programming) 8.5/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 7/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 8/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 7/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 6/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 9/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 8/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 7.5/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 6/10
Personal Opinion- A cool little game- perfect if you do not have much time . The best feeature of it for me was the way the robot could dodge your lazers and you only lost marks for surprises because you could not really have any
Total 77/100Thank you very much. Hopefully I'll make some more games of Space Academy which I'll ask you to review.
Yay! Thank you
Can you review my rainbow chicken game its in mystuff
firedrake969_test wrote:
Review this.
Firedrake969 wrote:
firedrake969_test wrote:
Review this.
It still has the same problem of me not being able to access it:
and I don't know how to fix it.
@fillergames- it will be done sometime today
Fillergames with Rainbow Chicken
Scripts (Programming) 9.5/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 8/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 7/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 8/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 8/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 6/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 9/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 8.5/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 8/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 8/10
Personal Opinion- Cool game- love the rainbow! Your scores were generally high across the board- the only real loss was suprises and your game could not score very high on that anyway. The store did not work for me when I clicked on it when I lost the game.
Total 80/100
Thank you for review also to use store click on it and hover the mouse away from the icon fast
Last edited by firedrake969_test (2012-10-19 09:59:05)
Hi will you please review my game Road Cleaner that I have designed for my sixth form course? Feedback will be much appreciated!!
06kbiltcliffe wrote:
Hi will you please review my game Road Cleaner that I have designed for my sixth form course? Feedback will be much appreciated!!
Welcome to Scratch, 06kbiltcliffe. Your first post on my humble topic- I'm honoured!
Your review and Firedrake's coming up
Last edited by Willpower (2012-10-19 12:20:21)