Do you want your project (s) reviewed? You have come to the right place!
All i ask is a link or url to paste to see your project and if you want the review reviewed under a certain criteria. I will choose the most relevant if you do not tell me- you can find the sets of criteria below!
check out my new cool banner!
OVER 180 PROJECTS REVIEWED!!!!!!!!!!!! on the old and new thread combined
The Old Thread got 365 replies and 8395 views
The New Thread currently has 515 replies and 10165 views
The old thread was going for 5 months and this one has only been running for 2ish!
Haven't I Seen You Somewhere Before?
yep, I did have another review topic under my "Willpower" account
Why Make A New Topic?
I am making a new topic because the old one was getting unmanageable with reviews in random places- with this one I plan to have links to all of the reviews on the first post. Also I wanted to create a new account for reviews because I am helping out with Borrego's advert thread as well.
Hey You Are Now A Full Scratcher!
I know!! Now I can start putting links but bear with me as it will take a lot of time!
So, New Topic Are You Going To Keep On Going With Old Criteria And Leaderboards?
Yes, I have only had the criteria for a week or so and it is working well so all the old leaderboards are staying the same
Can We Have The Reviewed Projects Gallery And The Reviewed Projects Project Links Back Please Willpower?
Since you asked so nicely here is a bunch of links including the reviewed projects project and the new Reviewed Projects Gallery
Reviewed Projects Project (Now moved to this account)- … ws/2815798
Reviewed Projects Gallery-
Old Thread
Anything New?
New Criteria 6th December includes new sections for Betas, Os's and Educational/Informative Projects plus the links of the reviews is being updated
THE REVIEWS: (The Criteria changes regularly to help keep 25 projects from getting the same score!)
The Current Criteria is: [6th December- (at least 2.0)]
The criteria is different per project:
Games :
Scripts (Programming, how smooth?) /10
Issues (Bugs & Glitches, Incomplete?) /10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) /10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) /10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) /10
Plot (surprises? Changes?) /10
Gamer-Friendliness (Instructions, Hard, Easy) /10
Idea (Original, Remix?) /10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) /10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) /10
Total /100
Scripts (Programming, how smooth?) /10
Issues (Bugs & Glitches, Incomplete?, Run Well?) /10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) /10
Sound (Music, Required?) /10
Simplicity /10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) /10
User-Friendliness (complexity, can the user understand what they are doing?) /10
Apps (e.g. calculator, word processor) /10
Originality (Is it similar to other OS’s?) /10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) /10
Total /100
Animations and Videos:
Scripts (Programming, how smooth?) /10
Issues (Bugs & Glitches, Incomplete?) /10
Music (Required?) /10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) /10
Idea (Original, Remix?) /10
Entertaining (Is it fun to watch?) /10
User-Friendliness (Is it easy to get? Instructions) /10
Plot (Story, Characters) /10
Effects (Sound, Animation) /10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) /10
Total /100
Scripts (Programming, how smooth?) /10
Issues (Bugs & Glitches, Run Well?) /10
Completeness (How far is it off being finished?) /10
Effort (How much effort is being put in to complete it?) /10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) /10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) /10
Sound (Music, Required?) /10
Idea (Original, Remix?) /10
User-Friendliness (complexity, can the user understand what they are doing?) /10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) /10
Total /100
Educational/ Informative:
Scripts (Programming, how smooth?) /10
Issues (Bugs & Glitches, Incomplete?) /10
Music (Required?) /10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) /10
Idea (Original, Remix?) /10
User-Friendliness (Is it easy to get? Instructions) /10
Involvement (does it keep the player interested?)
Effectiveness (does it actually help the player?)
Detail (amount of info) /10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) /10
Total /100
LINKS TO REVEWED PROJECTS: This is a work in progress!
The rewards are:
90+= Love It and Favourite It
80+= Love It
Last edited by Willpower_Reviews (2013-01-05 15:49:47)
Here's mine to start you off:
(yes! first reply!)
Last edited by SD7 (2012-10-04 14:37:53)
SD7 wrote:
Here's mine to start you off:
(yes! first post!)
Technically I had the first post! Review coming up
do pix
to play click on the red dots to play the level starting with the on on the top right
going to the one next to it until you win
SD7 wrote:
As a warning, it's hard as hell.
i read your space finale topic- i have been warned twice
SD7 with Space Finale
Scripts (Programming) 9/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 9/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 9/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 9/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 8/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 8/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 8/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 8/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 9/10
I think you are top of the leaderboard! Personal Opinion- I love this game- it's like space invaders only they don't try and get to the other side, they try and kill you. A brilliant game to start the new reviewing topic off with. I also saw that it was version 5.2- woo, that's like what i do, update my projects all the time constantly improving them.
Total 87/100
JamieWinter with Pix
Scripts (Programming) 8/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 10/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 9/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 7/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 7/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 7/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 8/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 5/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 7/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 7/10
Personal Opinion- A good game however it seems to be a bit too like ftf841's pixel to gain many marks for idea. I admit I cheated to keep on playing your game as I could not get past the first boss- a simple matter of finding the code that lets you play level 2 when it is time for level 2 and changing it so you could play one or two at the start. Love the Trust letters in two.
Total 75/100
Last edited by Willpower_Reviews (2012-11-10 05:32:50)
Willpower_Reviews wrote:
JamesWinter with Pix
Scripts (Programming) 8/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 9/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 9/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 7/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 7/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 7/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 8/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 5/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 7/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 7/10
Personal Opinion- A good game however it seems to be a bit too like ftf841's pixel to gain many marks for idea. I admit I cheated to keep on playing your game as I could not get past the first boss- a simple matter of finding the code that lets you play level 2 when it is time for level 2 and changing it so you could play one or two at the start. Love the Trust letters in two.
Total 74/100
i know its hard and im jamiewinter not jameswinter
jamiewinter wrote:
Willpower_Reviews wrote:
JamesWinter with Pix
Scripts (Programming) 8/10
Bugs & Glitches (Errors With Game?) 9/10
Sounds (Sound Effects, Music, Required?) 9/10
Graphics (Sprite Design, Stage) 7/10
Entertaining (Fun, Addictive) 7/10
Surprises (New/ Plot Twists) 7/10
Complexity (Controls, Hard, Easy) 8/10
Idea (Original, Remix?) 5/10
Re-Playability (Keep you playing) 7/10
Personal Opinion (What I really think! This is the space for comments) 7/10
Personal Opinion- A good game however it seems to be a bit too like ftf841's pixel to gain many marks for idea. I admit I cheated to keep on playing your game as I could not get past the first boss- a simple matter of finding the code that lets you play level 2 when it is time for level 2 and changing it so you could play one or two at the start. Love the Trust letters in two.
Total 74/100i know its hard and im jamiewinter not jameswinter
Whoops and I can't edit my post!!
oh what was the bug
jamiewinter wrote:
oh what was the bug
I think i ment it to be the boss, do you beat it by lowering its health by touching the orange square in it's mouth?
i explained in the desc hanks for the review by the way.
ive never played pixel but it sunds coolso ill try it out
Last edited by jamiewinter (2012-10-04 15:11:37)
jamiewinter wrote:
i explained in the desc hanks for the review by the way
missed it, you now (unofficially because i can't edit it) 10/10 for no glitches!!
ok so 75
Willpower, new Scratchers can post links to anywhere in Scratch.
Willpower wrote:
AgentRoop wrote:
I'm posting here so that I'm subscribed to this forum topic.
Cool, did you find your review on the old topic?
yep. thanks!
SD7 wrote:
Out of curiosity, how many points did you get?
AgentRoop got 84/100!
Firedrake969 wrote:
Willpower, new Scratchers can post links to anywhere in Scratch.
...but can't edit posts so i can not do much about it now. Thanks anyway!
Think you can do Sliders UNLMTD?
My Virtual Mac ^
I'm guessing i'll get 20-35/100.
Its in 1.1 so it isn't that good
-Also I would be happy to help you with this reviewing thread if you need some help.
Thanks, ~Tuttan
Last edited by tuttan-rha (2012-10-06 02:17:21)