jukyter wrote:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
jukyter wrote:
Good choice!!
Give me a reason and maybe I won't mock you??? Just a thought !
Mock all you want. Just don't get yourself banned. (:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
jukyter wrote:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
-.-Give me a reason and maybe I won't mock you??? Just a thought !
Mock all you want. Just don't get yourself banned. (:
cartooncreator wrote:
stevetheipad wrote:
I'm very excited for the debate on Wednesday, I'll be watching that.
I'll be watching it too, it'll be cool to see Obama and Romney battle it out.
I'm curious to see what good comebacks they come up with. :3
Can't wait for the debates, agreed. Still, Romney isn't going to be able to make a comeback with them IMO.
Politics Comes From The Greek Word Poly, Meaning Many, And Tics, Meaning Bloodsucking Creatures
So Politics Is Many Bloodsucking Creatures
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Politics Comes From The Greek Word Poly, Meaning Many, And Tics, Meaning Bloodsucking Creatures
So Politics Is Many Bloodsucking Creatures
This isn't the thread for bad jokes...
Personally I don't like to engage in political debates because they're breeding grounds for lies, half-truths, and calumny, but it would be interesting to see if a civil discussion could be held here now that we have the chance.
CheeseMunchy wrote:
jukyter wrote:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
-.-Give me a reason and maybe I won't mock you??? Just a thought !
Mock all you want. Just don't get yourself banned. (:
With all due respect, can we all get back to citing sources and being more civil? That was working much better.
luiysia wrote:
jukyter wrote:
yeah it is
it could use some tbhknock knock
who's there
barack who
can I barack a cup of sugar
knock knock
who's there
mitt who
Good ones!!
stevetheipad wrote:
With all due respect, can we all get back to citing sources and being more civil? That was working much better.
I would also like to see cheeseymunchy give an actual reason for anything but it's his choice. I guess he's still learning from his parents
Um anyway I have nothing left to say
This "I side with" thing is MAJORLY biased. They are probably rigging the results to get you to vote for someone in particular.
To see what I mean: go here and scroll down and click Obama.
He is DEFINITELY not strong in Utah.
stevetheipad wrote:
I'm very excited for the debate on Wednesday, I'll be watching that.
Hmm, maybe I'll watch it. Eh probably not. :p
16Skittles wrote:
cartooncreator wrote:
stevetheipad wrote:
I'm very excited for the debate on Wednesday, I'll be watching that.
I'll be watching it too, it'll be cool to see Obama and Romney battle it out.
I'm curious to see what good comebacks they come up with. :3Can't wait for the debates, agreed. Still, Romney isn't going to be able to make a comeback with them IMO.
Only time will tell.
jukyter wrote:
Um anyway I have nothing left to say
Last edited by CheeseMunchy (2012-10-01 17:36:00)
thebriculator wrote:
This "I side with" thing is MAJORLY biased. They are probably rigging the results to get you to vote for someone in particular.
To see what I mean: go here and scroll down and click Obama.
He is DEFINITELY not strong in Utah.
I doubt that he's strong in Utah as a whole, but it would be interesting to see Democrat/Republican percentage who take the poll. He may not have a majority of votes in Utah, but he may have a strong percentage of people who took the poll in Utah. Also, who you support as a candidate and whose policies you support are two different things, considering that Republicans actually like what the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare) does.
Therefore, people could support policies that are similar to Obama's, even if they would identify themselves as Republican.
Last edited by 16Skittles (2012-10-01 19:02:15)
16Skittles wrote:
thebriculator wrote:
This "I side with" thing is MAJORLY biased. They are probably rigging the results to get you to vote for someone in particular.
To see what I mean: go here and scroll down and click Obama.
He is DEFINITELY not strong in Utah.I doubt that he's strong in Utah as a whole, but it would be interesting to see Democrat/Republican percentage who take the poll. He may not have a majority of votes in Utah, but he may have a strong percentage of people who took the poll in Utah. Also, who you support as a candidate and whose policies you support are two different things, considering that Republicans actually like what the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare) does.
Therefore, people could support policies that are similar to Obama's, even if they would identify themselves as Republican.
I'm guessing the majority of the people who take the quiz are democrats. They have a stronger presence on the internet, especially places that would link or provide this site, I
m guessing.
thebriculator wrote:
This "I side with" thing is MAJORLY biased. They are probably rigging the results to get you to vote for someone in particular.
To see what I mean: go here and scroll down and click Obama.
He is DEFINITELY not strong in Utah.
I know, but as others have said, not every single person in the US takes the quiz....
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2012-10-01 19:55:20)
thebriculator wrote:
This "I side with" thing is MAJORLY biased. They are probably rigging the results to get you to vote for someone in particular.
To see what I mean: go here and scroll down and click Obama.
He is DEFINITELY not strong in Utah.
that doesn't say that people in utah like him
that means that they agree with more of his policies, which i think could definitely be true
if you actually go down on here and look around at the different categories and the candidate's answers compared to utah, you can see why and actually check their listed opinions
16Skittles wrote:
Sorry, illusionist, but how exactly does spending money that already exists cause inflation?
Edit: I do acknowledge that the government printing money it can't back up causes inflation, but am still skeptical that we're going to see the next Nazi movement come to power in the US anytime soon.
This is basic economics
When money is sitting in a box at home, nobody cares about it. As far as shop owners are concerned, it doesn't exist. In economics there is a factor called Velocity of Money. Only when money is actively circulating does it have an effect on prices. Inflation is not caused by treasure at the bottom of the sea.
It exists, but is not being spent, see?
Hyperinflation happens when velocity picks up suddenly and by a large amount. The stock market is obviously a train wreck when this happens, but that is by no means the worst part. The supply chain will stop immediately when hyperinflation happens as the flowing cash won't be worth anything when there is suddenly so much of it (supply and demand you know).
The end of the supply chain...what is the significance of this?
If you are like me, who has taken to growing about 80% of my vegetables and storing water, you won't be hit hard by this. But if you are like the 99.99% of all other people who are dependent on the grocery store, or water company, you are screwed. Totally screwed.
People panic when they sense their survival is threatened. I guarantee, everyone you know would do almost anything to survive, or ensure their family survives. This includes but is not limited too violence, looting, or even murder.
In an extreme riot situation, the government will certainly try to control things. This may begin with riot police, but as more people become aware of the situation they are in, the military will need to get involved. Remember, America has 300,000,000+ people!
There will be a great distrust of the government that caused all this, and plenty of people will resist. There is always resistance, there will be those who hide, but there is also those who will decide that their safety is top priority over their freedom, and will willingly allow the government to overreach and "care" for them. This is the vast majority of post-collapse citizens.
About a government takeover...will this really be like another Nazi party?
You are right in saying that probably won't happen. The government will certainly seize vast "emergency powers" but they will likely focus more on control , travel, speech, and information, not on executing an entire ethnic group.
But as I said, the Germans were a modern, western, advanced society. You never know what people will do when they feel threatened.
The USD is the world reserve currency, legal tender in all nations. As such, hyperinflation will effect everyone, but nobody is prepared. This is really why it is serious, and I laugh and scoff about all your petty talks about "Romeny Paid No Taxs!!" "Help the Environment!" etc.
If you don't already have one, grow a garden, save your water, get a filter even. That will make you much better off than most!
long posts ftw
tbh I'm not too concerned. however, wouldn't having a food source make you a higher profile target for "raiders?"
16Skittles wrote:
tbh I'm not too concerned. however, wouldn't having a food source make you a higher profile target for "raiders?"
No such thing as a utopia, remember.
16Skittles wrote:
tbh I'm not too concerned. however, wouldn't having a food source make you a higher profile target for "raiders?"
That is where guns come in I'm afraid. You need to defend your home somehow. It will be more serious in a city though, I live in a fairly rural place. But when the cities run out of stuff to steal, the country is obviously the place to go next... that is one of the things we are going to need to wait and see.
- - - - - - - - -
Ever wonder why it is bad to have such a huge national debt? This is why. It cannot be sustained.
- - - - - - - - -
I'd also like to point out that on the iSideWith website, you can see who visitors from different websites prefer, and its looks like Gary Johnson is the favorite among most of them. More people are libertarian than they realize!
You have to admit the two-party system has us trapped, and is making a terrible mess because of it.
Last edited by illusionist (2012-10-01 20:18:11)