jvvg wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
and it's much harder to build something than to tear it down.
I guess Bush liked the easy choice
It certainly appears that way
zubblewu wrote:
Obama inherited in his position a terrible economy. He saved us from the situation we were headed into. The economy was crumbling when he took office, and it's much harder to build something than to tear it down.
I agree with you on one thing, Bush had a terrible economic plan, and yes, some stuff like the housing market collapse could be traced back to bush, but after 2 or 3 years, we should have been doing somewhat better, not going further into sixteen-trillion dollars of debt.
I expect most of you to blame 5 trillion on the wars that bush reluctantly declared and blame the rest on big business.
I think I've figured out Romney's secret history! He's a time traveller from after the French Revolution to make things right again! Combine church and state, no taxes for the clergy, low taxes on the wealthy, and everything else on the middle class and poor! It's much safer now, since we won't use a guillotine on him
zubblewu wrote:
I think I've figured out Romney's secret history! He's a time traveller from after the French Revolution to make things right again! Combine church and state, no taxes for the clergy, low taxes on the wealthy, and everything else on the middle class and poor! It's much safer now, since we won't use a guillotine on him
You're funny
Claude_Monet wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
I think I've figured out Romney's secret history! He's a time traveller from after the French Revolution to make things right again! Combine church and state, no taxes for the clergy, low taxes on the wealthy, and everything else on the middle class and poor! It's much safer now, since we won't use a guillotine on him
You're funny
zubblewu wrote:
Claude_Monet wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
I think I've figured out Romney's secret history! He's a time traveller from after the French Revolution to make things right again! Combine church and state, no taxes for the clergy, low taxes on the wealthy, and everything else on the middle class and poor! It's much safer now, since we won't use a guillotine on him
You're funny
Yay I'm finding uses for history class
zubblewu wrote:
Yay I'm finding uses for history class
Just need to study more in Science to learn time machines are pretty much impossible.
As of now. Yay, let's turn this into a debate about theoretical physics, quantum physics, and other dimensions
zubblewu wrote:
As of now. Yay, let's turn this into a debate about theoretical physics, quantum physics, and other dimensions
Much more peaceful than politics
Claude_Monet wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
As of now. Yay, let's turn this into a debate about theoretical physics, quantum physics, and other dimensions
Much more peaceful than politics
Definitely . To stay on topic though, we need a program like CERN in the USA. Antimatter to all
Claude_Monet wrote:
I agree with you on one thing, Bush had a terrible economic plan, and yes, some stuff like the housing market collapse could be traced back to bush, but after 2 or 3 years, we should have been doing somewhat better, not going further into sixteen-trillion dollars of debt.
I expect most of you to blame 5 trillion on the wars that bush reluctantly declared and blame the rest on big business.
Economically, unemployment is equal and the stock market seems raised slightly (https://www.google.com/finance?client=ob&q=NYSE:PEG). What makes this all the more impressive is both the severity, but also that it was housing-market-based, rather than stock-market-based (which tend to rebound rather quickly).
It is true that, under Obama, the debt has increased from $10.6 trillion to $16.2 trillion since Obama took office, a total of $5.6 trillion (subtracted the statistics from the two links below).
Some potential discussion points:
- cost of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan: $3.2-$4 trillion
- government revenue from taxes has gone down with the economy (not necessarily an excuse, but a reason)
- extension of bush tax cuts and other stimulus packages that certainly helped the economy also contributed to the debt (anyone have the numbers?)
http://nationaldebtbusters.blogspot.com … -2009.html
zubblewu wrote:
Claude_Monet wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
As of now. Yay, let's turn this into a debate about theoretical physics, quantum physics, and other dimensions
Much more peaceful than politics
. To stay on topic though, we need a program like CERN in the USA. Antimatter to all
Or a space program
Anyone else think we need to establish a CERN-like program? I would be seriously happy if we got one. Whoevers president, we need something like that. Once we can make cheap antimatter easily, power will no longer be an issue in these debates
Claude_Monet wrote:
I expect most of you to blame 5 trillion on the wars that bush reluctantly declared and blame the rest on big business.
Reluctantly? Source it.
Obam inherited a $1.3 trillion defecit. 4 * 1.3 = 5.2. Seeing as the federal debt rose by $5.6 trillion and the economy is balanced and getting better, he's not doing so bad, no?
Thanks for citations MoreGames
I have NO idea why NASA's budget is being cut. Space is fun :3
zubblewu wrote:
Anyone else think we need to establish a CERN-like program? I would be seriously happy if we got one. Whoevers president, we need something like that. Once we can make cheap antimatter easily, power will no longer be an issue in these debates
I really don't see how it's necessary.
Well, it's like cold fusion, except with solid proof. Once we get a better "cooling" process for the antiparticles, we won't lose 25 billion per 25 thousand antiprotons. Once we can mass produce antimatter (a goal of CERN), if we could get nearly full yield, it gives a lot of energy. And once it's easy to make, more than it takes to make it. A lot more.
Like cold fusion, but working. We just aren't quite there yet. But I digress.
What do we need antimatter for?
Energy. Antimatter-matter reactions aren't like normal ones. Their only byproduct is energy (remember, at these levels energy about equals mass). This energy is huge. About 2.2 pounds of antimatter would have a larger explosion than the biggest bomb ever (the tsar bomb (I know, not a technical term)). If its mass produced, and if we can find more efficient ways, well be able to create tons of environmentally friendly energy quickly.
Sorry, correct hyperlink:
http://www.praemon.org (etc.)
zubblewu wrote:
Energy. Antimatter-matter reactions aren't like normal ones. Their only byproduct is energy (remember, at these levels energy about equals mass). This energy is huge. About 2.2 pounds of antimatter would have a larger explosion than the biggest bomb ever (the tsar bomb (I know, not a technical term)). If its mass produced, and if we can find more efficient ways, well be able to create tons of environmentally friendly energy quickly.
Yes but we don't know how to ground that much power, any little mistake could be disasterous.
Well we wouldn't have it in such massive quantities! It would be much less, maybe only a few antihydrogen atoms.
But yeah, 1kg of antimatter (2.2 pounds approx.) would create the same amount of energy as dozens of megatons of TNT.
Last edited by zubblewu (2012-10-25 00:23:20)
zubblewu wrote:
Well we wouldn't have it in such massive quantities! It would be much less, maybe only a few antihydrogen atoms.
Still, that is a lot of energy.
But not more than we can handle. We can handle billions of antiparticles, I think we can handle a but of antihydrogen. And being a lot is why it would be such an amazing energy source, it just needs more research and development.