Update: v5.18
-Nerfed Wrath so that it only provides a 30% boost to critical instead of a 50%.
-Buffed Resolves so it provides a 30% boost to damage and hit instead of a 20% boost
-New Active Skill: Vengeance - Activation: Skill*2%. Deals (Max HP - Current HP)/2 more damage.
-New Class: Druid. Promoted shamans who have mastered dark, elder magic. Skills: Vengeance.
Update: v5.21
-New Active Skill: Lethality - Activation: Crt/2% Insta-kill the opposing unit.
-New Enemy Class: Assassin - Thieves who have mastered the art of killing. Skills: Insight, Critical +10, Lethality
Re-organized some stuff into some google docs.
Also created a google document detailing what I plan to do with this simulation, and the eventual game I hope to make out of it.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZAj … Fi0SfrQhyQ