Update: v4.87
-Added the blade subclass of Sword weapons, which do more damage but weigh more than regular swords:
-Iron Blade
-Steel Blade
-Silver Blade
-Added the Short Bow, a low power but accurate and light bow that has a bit of crit.
-Added in a system for Preferential weapons, or weapons that only certain units can equips. (ex. The mani katti is a sword but only lyn can equip it)
-Added in 3 Prf weapons, all which are effective against both horse and armored units:
-Mani Katti
-Wolf Biel
Update: v4.88
-Wyvern Knights are now counted as part of the Dragon subclass, however they are still weak to bows.
-Added two weapons that are effective against dragons:
-Wyrmslayer - Sword
-Dragon Axe - Axe
-Added system that supports weapons giving +5 bonuses to stats when equipped.
-Added 3 of the Legendary Weapons, all of which are effective against dragons:
-Sol Katti - Used by Lyn, +5 Res.
-Durandal: - Used by Eliwood, +5 Str.
-Armads - Used by Hector, +5 Def.
Update: v4.89
-Added Purge, a Light Magic Tome with a range of 3 - 10.
P.S. On one interesting note, it seems that the file sizes of images randomly 2x themselves for some strange reason. You can fix this by just editing the costume and pressing ok, which reverts them back to their original file size. Doing this, I was able to reduce my file size to around 9.8 mb.
Update: v4.95
-ENEMY STAT UPDATE. Enemies will now have somewhat randomnized stats whenever you finish a fight or when you change the enemy. The stats will be based off of the class of the enemy and the level of the enemy.
-Added Sealed Sword, Roy's personal weapons which is as strong as Hector's Armads and has a low weight.
-Fixed hp bug with enemy having less than 31 max hp and not having full hp.
Update: v4.97
-Players will now gain EXP after battles. A exp bar will appear after a sequence of hits and will show the player unit gaining exp. If it hits 100 exp, the player unit will level up and the exp will go back down to 0. You will gain more exp for killing enemies than just damaging them. Leveling up currently doesn't increase stats but that will be added in a future update.
Update: v4.99
-LEVEL UP SYSTEM FULLY IMPLEMENTED. Units will now gain stats in a semi-random way dependent on each unit's growth rates when they level up. Comes even with a fancy statup screen and effect.
Update: v5.00
First, the minor stuff:
-Added a new enemy unit, the Soldier. Soldiers are generally weak enemy units that have high strength but extremely low skill and speed. They use lances.
-When you level up, a number showing how much a stat has gone up will now show.
-The unit changing + and - buttons are now arrows, and play a sound when changing a unit.
-Player units can no longer go past level 20.
-A popup message will now show up telling you if a weapon has broken.
-You can now hold h while clicking on weapons in order to see a description of it with its stats.
And now the major updates:
-Player units are now completely seperate from each other! This means that every single player unit has different stats, different inventories, and different levels and exp values!
(for player units) Player units can no longer use certain weapons if they don't have a high enough weapon level. For example, a Tomahawk has a requirement of at least an "A" Weapon Level in Axes. If you have B, D, C, or E, you cannot use this weapon.
-In order to alleviate this, weapon exp has now been implemented! Each time a player unit uses a certain weapon in battle, they accumulate weapon EXP in that category of weapon. When it has accumulated enough weapon EXP, a message will show saying that the weapon level has increased for that particular weapon type. As weapon levels go up, it will take more EXP and thus time to reach the next weapon level.
This is crazy real. I
Update: v5.1
-Skill System implemented! See what skills a unit has on the third page of the status screen.
-There are two types of skills, passive and active. Passive skills will always affect your unit no matter what happens, while active skills need a set of circumstances to be true to activate. Active skills will only activate during a fight and will have a special animation and a popup declaring that the skill was activated.
-New Passive Skills:
Critical +5 - Increases crt by 5
Critical +10 - Increases crt by 10.
Critical +15 - Increases crt by 15.
Critical +20 - Increases crt by 20.
Insight - Increases accuracy by 20.
-New Active Skills:
Wrath - Activation: HP < Max HP/2 Increases critical rate by 50%.
Update: v5.11
-Fixed bug causing graphical issues with spell casting animations.
-Fixed bug causing players to not recover HP occasionly when a new battle has begun.
-Added a new Active Skill:
Resolve - Activation: HP < Max HP/2. Increases hit and damage by 20%.
Just started a youtube channel where I'll put up videos of this.
Spell Exhibition: http://www.scratch.mit.edu/ext/youtube/?v=8Ic4ZkiLWPQ
Last edited by mkolpnji (2012-12-29 23:44:47)
Update: v5.14
-New Active Skill: Astra - Deals 5 consecutive hits at half damage. Each hit can critical or miss. Activation: Skill/2%
-New Enemy Unit: Swordmaster. A promoted Myrmidon that has mastered the way of the sword. Default Skills: Critical +15, Astra.
Uploaded a skill exhibition for v5.14.
Update: v5.16
-Berserkers now have Wrath as a class skill.
-New Active Skill: Deadeye- Activation: Skill% Deals 1.5x damage at 100% accuracy.
-New Enemy Class: Sniper - Promoted archers who have mastered the bow. Skills: Critical +10, Deadeye.
maxdoss wrote:
how do you control this?
Basically, you can go into the player or enemy stats.
Pressing the up and down buttons will change the enemy/player.
Click on the left and right arrows to switch pages.
Clicking on a weapon on the second page will allow you to equip (if you can), or discard them. Clicking on an item will allow you to use it.
You can also use the + and - buttons to change the 1st weapon in your inventory.
The third page shows your weapon levels, which will determine what weapons a player can equip. It also shows the skills each unit has.
On the main screen after going back, you can control a few things such as the terrain each unit is standing on, with each giving certain defense or avoid boosts to a unit. You can also control how far away they are by adjusting the spaces between units variable. Take note that only certain weapons can attack at certain ranges.
Press Calc after all of this, and then press Start Battle.
Both units will then engage in a round of combat. And then you can do all of the above again.
Player units will receive exp for fighting a unit, and if they level up they will gain stats.
Last of all, by pressing h and clicking on a weapon, item, or skill, you can see a description stating what it does.
This is truly amazing! Epic gameplay, graphics, and animations!