is there a simpler way to make a sprite follow a certain part of another sprite than this?
when gf clicked forever go to [sprite1 v] move (1337) stepsor is that the only way??
meew0 wrote:
You can do this if you want the sprite to follow another sprite at a certain speed:
when gf clicked forever point towards [Sprite1 v] move (speed) steps end
i meant like im making a game where theres a hook and a rod, the rod can move, and the hook has to move with the rod, but at the tip.
destructo-serpent wrote:
meew0 wrote:
You can do this if you want the sprite to follow another sprite at a certain speed:
when gf clicked forever point towards [Sprite1 v] move (speed) steps endi meant like im making a game where theres a hook and a rod, the rod can move, and the hook has to move with the rod, but at the tip.
Then your way is the only way (as far as I know).
First use your script. Then put the hook where you want it. After that use this script:
when gf clicked set [a v] to (([x position v] of [rod v]) - (x position)) set [b v] to (([y position v] of [rod v]) - (y position))Now use this to keep the hook in place:
forever go to x:(([x position v] of [rod v]) - (a)) y:(([y position v] of [rod v]) - (b)) end