An ITopic is a topic in the list of important and helpful topics given in certain forums. ITopic stands for Index Topic. ITopics are different from normal topics — they do not automatically close after a certain amount of time without posts (two months), and they are linked to in the ITopic index.
In various forums, more and more topics were stickied. To prevent a large clutter of stickies, the ITopic system was made. A topic was created listing all the stickies, and that was stickied instead. Then the previous stickies did not need to be stickied anymore. The unstickied topics were then called "ITopics".
Not all forums in the Scratch Forums use the ITopic system; only the forums that have several stickies utilize the system.
All ITopic indexes are closed; there is no reason to post there. A topic for discussing ITopics is linked to in each index.
(Source: wiki)
Imagine if this became ITopiced...
ITopic: What's an ITopic?
Last edited by JH1010 (2012-09-17 01:19:29)