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#1 2012-08-30 12:04:29

Registered: 2012-01-27
Posts: 96

Scratch, Panther, Bingo and BYOB >>> Windows Screensaver

I found a way to convert a Scratch, Panther, Bingo or BYOB project into a screensaver which can be set to run on Windows 7 an Vista, still working on XP.

What you will need-

Windows Vista or Windows 7
Either Scratch, Bingo, Panther and BYOB

If you're using Scratch, you need Scratch2EXE-

If you're using Bingo, Bingo2EXE

If you're using Panther, Panther2EXE

You can find it here

For Scratch-
Use scratch2exe to convert your sb file to exe.
Open externalXr. Drag your exe into it and type "scr" without quotes in the little text box, press enter. open the location of the old exe and you will find an scr file. right click>install. when changing screensaver, you should find it.

for all the other mods-
open ExternalXR.
Drag your PROJECT file into the smalll box, type sb, and press enter.
close the widget.

use the proper compiler to compile the the new sb project into exe.
then open External XR again.
drag the exe into the little box.
type "scr" without quotes in the box.
hit enter
open the old location of the exe. You will find an scr.
right click>>> install.

For byob-
open your project in byob.
click share
compile this project
open externalxr.
drag the exe into the box.
type "scr" without quotes into the box
hit enter.
find the old exe.
it will be an scr.
right click>>install.

dandwoodski's panther2exe
Jens"s BYOB and Scratch2exe
LS97"s External XR, Bingo, and bingo2exe
The scratch team"s scratch
Sparks and the other developers for panther

Get Gangnam Style for free!­­m



#2 2012-09-03 23:36:47

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 2

Re: Scratch, Panther, Bingo and BYOB >>> Windows Screensaver

i made my snake animation into a screensaver and works on the laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1   smile



#3 2012-09-07 17:05:28

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 2

Re: Scratch, Panther, Bingo and BYOB >>> Windows Screensaver

a working one can be found here



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