slinger wrote:
LiquidMetal wrote:
Why would you use pascal for coding?
Why wouldn't you? … #Criticism
...unsuitable for use outside of teaching...
...unpredictable order of evaluation of boolean expressions, poor library support, lack of static variables and a number of smaller issues...
...scope of declarations were not clearly defined in the original language definition...
Have you even bothered to check the date? 1981 was when the article was written :p Obviously we would be using a modern version of Pascal if we do actually do it in Pascal. (FreePascal Ftw!). I have programmed in Pascal for over a year now so I know what I'm talking about
You could go the other way you know
LiquidMetal wrote:
Scratch++ is too similar, in my opinion. Why would you use pascal for coding?
Wouldn't it be better to add the features of 2.0 to the 1.4 squeak version?
I personally think this is a great idea, but you could also just use something other than linux to run on raspi, like win 98, or would that work?
Yea, Scratch 1.4 is very slow on my RPi. I doubt that S2.0 will be any better, flash isn't particularly efficient (better than squeak though).
If anyone gets a working program to try, I can test it on my Pi.
(You would probably have to tell me in a comment though, I barely check the AT forums. Though I don't check the main site much either. )
Mac PowerPC users are left out in the cold too, unfortunately. Flash struggles on most of our systems it even struggles on my Pentium Dual-Core(The low-end C2D variant) system too - that just shows how unefficient and resource-hogging Flash really is. I'd have it off all my systems by now but so many things rely on Flash. Adobe even knows that Flash will be replaced by newer and WAY more efficient technologies and will be EOLed soon too. It's a pity since tese G4/G5 machines really are still fast enough and useful - I'm typing this on a last revision Powerbook G4 15''. If this is the way Scratch is going, then goodbye and farewell, I'll just use Itchy++ when it is released, thanks.
Nathanator1416J wrote:
LiquidMetal wrote:
Scratch++ is too similar, in my opinion. Why would you use pascal for coding?
Wouldn't it be better to add the features of 2.0 to the 1.4 squeak version?I personally think this is a great idea, but you could also just use something other than linux to run on raspi, like win 98, or would that work?
PS: How do you edit posts?
heat33330 wrote:
PS: How do you edit posts?
I think you can't as a "New Scratcher". You need to be around for a while first
Hard to install? Came preinstalled with my distro
However, Flash won't be too much of a Linux disaster. If they drop mobile, then Linux, then guess what happens next!
I think ~11.4 will be the last flash ever, and Scratch probably won't use any of the future features.
scratchisthebest wrote:
Hard to install? Came preinstalled with my distro
However, Flash won't be too much of a Linux disaster. If they drop mobile, then Linux, then guess what happens next!
I think ~11.4 will be the last flash ever, and Scratch probably won't use any of the future features.
Hmm... what RPi distro are you using
As for offline - probably we'll end up using something like air, so the application looks / works the same online as it does off. It's *really* hard to get consistent performance and behavior with implementations written in different languages, so that's why we wouldn't try to make it in C or anything.
Hard?? Hard???
I thought you were all clever over there?
But I understand what you mean and where you are coming from
I think history will judge the Flash/Air route taken for Scratch 2.0 as an error in judgement - but then again, hindsight is easy
Or everyone could help contribute to M30W since it's made in Python (so it should be able to run on the RPi, I haven't tested it yet though).
Magnie wrote:
Or everyone could help contribute to M30W since it's made in Python (so it should be able to run on the RPi, I haven't tested it yet though).
Yep, when M30W gets released, we can finally ignore this. ( _m30w_ )
Best performance would be obtained with an implementation of a native code compiler, which is an interesting concept, but
Magnie wrote:
Or everyone could help contribute to M30W since it's made in Python (so it should be able to run on the RPi, I haven't tested it yet though).
this. I actually had ignored this project until just now, I'm gonna check it out.