I searched for a topic but didn't find it. I use it for everything!!! Sal Khan answered one of my questions! Discuss.
They added 'Computer Science' tutorials and projects. It's pretty much just a dimmed down javascript. Still kinda cool though.
My daughter's using it right now.
So, I checked it out and don't like the way it is layed out.
In the math section, there is just a jumble of problems linked together with lines. It doesn't seem very organized at all.
If I was teaching a math class, I'd prefer to use a book that is organized in a better way.
I love the individual lectures, I just don't like the "cloud" of subjects. It just doesn't seem to be very organized.
BoltBait wrote:
My daughter's using it right now.
So, I checked it out and don't like the way it is layed out.
In the math section, there is just a jumble of problems linked together with lines. It doesn't seem very organized at all.
If I was teaching a math class, I'd prefer to use a book that is organized in a better way.
I love the individual lectures, I just don't like the "cloud" of subjects. It just doesn't seem to be very organized.
The subjects aren't always organized in the best way.
I still really like it.
I have to use it in my math class once I get my school laptop.
Hey I have a modest 80,000 right now, my username is S. Vi Hart is AWESOME!
trinary wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
Dinoclor wrote:
I have over 30,000 points.
I have about 514K.
That's...a lot.
Chris Hoemann has Tesla.
trinary wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
trinary wrote:
That's...a lot.Chris Hoemann has Tesla.
How much time do you spend on it?
I have 1 million.
9 to go.
CheeseMunchy wrote:
trinary wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
Chris Hoemann has Tesla.
How much time do you spend on it?I have 1 million.
9 to go.
Trinary: I spent an hour every day last summer vacation.
And it's too bad programming doesn't give you points, or I would have like 50 million by now.
Firedrake969 wrote:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
trinary wrote:
How much time do you spend on it?I have 1 million.
9 to go.Trinary: I spent an hour every day last summer vacation.
And it's too bad programming doesn't give you points, or I would have like 50 million by now.
I love Khan Academy. c: To me it's really helpful when I have problems with my homework. X3
CheeseMunchy wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
I have 1 million.
9 to go.Trinary: I spent an hour every day last summer vacation.
And it's too bad programming doesn't give you points, or I would have like 50 million by now.Wow.
Seen my lunar lander?
Firedrake969 wrote:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
trinary wrote:
How much time do you spend on it?I have 1 million.
9 to go.Trinary: I spent an hour every day last summer vacation.
And it's too bad programming doesn't give you points, or I would have like 50 million by now.
That is a /lot/.
Firedrake969 wrote:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
Trinary: I spent an hour every day last summer vacation.
And it's too bad programming doesn't give you points, or I would have like 50 million by now.Wow.
Ya.Seen my lunar lander?
Why don't they count programming?
That is strange.
transparent wrote:
That is strange.
Nothing is stranger than strange.