Hi I am new to Scratch
It is wonderful!
My project "Henry The Fish" works great offline, but freezes at startup online.
Any help will be gratefully received? I thought it might be a corrupt file in my computer's java cache, but clearing that doesn't make any difference.
An older version had lots of "broadcasts" which I thought might be causing grief online... But removing them didn't help either.
Many thanks!
Okay, I tracked down your problem.
It's in the Bubbles sprite - specifically the sound effects being played by the bubbles. You have a block that says
Play Sound <Pick Random 1 to 3>
Apparently, referencing a sound by a number is a no-no to the Java Player. In fact, I had no idea you could even do that in Scratch! If you really want it to play one of 3 sounds randomly, I suggest you try using IF blocks to do it:
Set Number to <Pick Random 1 to 3>
if Number = 1
Play Sound First Sound
if Number = 2
Play Sound Second Sound
Play Sound Third Sound
end if
end if
Hope that helps!
Thanks Paddle2See...
That is *so* wonderful of you I owe ya one!
The runtime engine does seem to be different in the Scratch editor than it is using the online Java engine. Another thing I've noticed is that the sprite/costume replacement seems to work slightly differently online (I get artifacts changing costumes with sprites with white borders online, that i don't get in the Scratch editor).
Anyway, I'm loving Scratch. More features please