Hi! Mintfang here, with a warriors fan-fiction! Also, if you have any requests for contests or stories, put them here! Now to the story...
Mintclaw, Brighttooth, Voleheart and Shrewsnow were on a discovery patrol. Mintclaw was from DarkClan, Brighttooth from IceClan, Voleheart from WaterClan and Shrewsnow from GrassClan. They had been sent to explore territory outside of th clans borders. They did not know the real reason...
(flashback or something lol)
"Should we really do this, Clawstar?" Treestar asked.
"Yes, we need to know more about MintClan. We could learn very valuable things about the wolf packs this way." Clawstar was determined to make this happen.
" We are in agreement?" Cedarstar was very agreeble.
" Yes" Treestar and Flightstar replied.
"Then it is settled, we will each send a warrior to the MintClan territory." Clawstar nodded.
Mintclaw was the scout. Brighttooth was the leader. Voleheart was rear defense, and Shrewsnow also scouted.
When I get two posts or a mod posts, i will post the next part!