I make icons and forum signature photos! No payment needed. Just say what you want and I can make the icon or signature!
homeks wrote:
could you make a slideshow of pics of nyc please?
I don't do slideshows. Sorry.
Could you make a sig with a dragon breathing fiery words that say PROJECT EPIC
SonicBro wrote:
when gf clicked repeat until <(timer) > [10]> go to [mouse-pointer v] end think [scrpits in your posts!] for (3) secs
Please don't do that here, as it's annoying. You can do it here, it's the official testing area.
lizzyhippo wrote:
Could you make a sig with a dragon breathing fiery words that say PROJECT EPIC
Sorry about being offline soo long. I see you have already found someone to do this. I truly do apologize.
I am putting together a shop directory do you want to be in it?
shiguy101 wrote:
I am putting together a shop directory do you want to be in it?
You mean shop directery on forums? On a project? Either way whatever it is I would like to be in it .
Hey, you still on scratch these days?