jokes from wow only
[Joke, gnome female]
"I apologise profusely for any inconvenience my murderous rampage may have caused."
(hmm, very IC there Kall =P)
[Flirt, gnome female]
"I don't feel the 1 to 10 scale is fine enough to capture subtle details of compatibility. I'd prefer a 12 dimensional compatibility scale with additional parameters for mechanical aptitude and torque."
[Joke, imp]
"You know we've had some real good times together but I really think I should start seeing other warlocks. Just a little on the side. No no no it's not you, it's me. I just really need my space."
[Flirt, draenei female]
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?... Good. Bring ample supply of butter and Goblin Jumper Cables."
[Joke, tauren male]
"Homogenized? No way, I like the ladies."
[Flirt, sin'dorei female]
"I'm the girl the ESRB warned you about."
(WoW is a 12 according to the ESRB.)
[Flirt, sin'dorei male]
"You know what I love about your eyes, when I look deep enough, I can see my own reflection."
[Joke, sin'dorei male]
"We're allied with the Tauren? Fantastic! We'll be having steak twice a week."
[Joke, sin'dorei female]
"How can I miss you if you don't go away?"
Which ones do you prefer?
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by maxfuchs on May 29, 2007, 10:56am
[Joke, sin'dorei female]
"Mirrors can't talk. Luckily for you, they can't laugh either!"
[Joke, sin'dorei male]
"Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the thing I can and the wisdom to...*angry grunt* just give me some freaken' magic before I kill somebody!"
[Joke, sin'dorei male]
"I'm trying to cut back on arcane magic...look, I got the patch."
[Joke, succubus]
'Am I bugging you?'
'I'm not touching you!'
Am I bugging you?'
'I'm not touching you!!'
[Joke, Orc female]
"I'm very feminine. And I'll beat the * out of ANYONE who disagrees!"
[Joke, Draenei female]
"'Stop and ask for directions,' I told him. But 'No, it's inter-dimensional,' he says. 'What can go wrong?'"
[Joke, Night Elf female]
"I think guys just use the Emerald Dream as an excuse to avoid calling me back."
[Joke, Night Elf female]
"No, I have to keep moving at night. Or I'll disappear!"
[Joke, Human Female]
"Why does everyone automatically assume I know tailoring and cooking?"
[Joke, Human Female]
"Do you ever feel like you're not in charge of your own destiny,'re being controlled by an invisible hand."
[Flirt, Sin'Dorei Male]
"Your eyes are like The Sunwell... Before the explosion that doomed us all, of course."
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by ember on May 29, 2007, 1:09pm
[Joke, Orc Male]
"I will crush and destroy"
... God it sounds like me... ¬_¬
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by admin on May 29, 2007, 1:16pm
Quote:"I'm very feminine. And I'll beat the * out of ANYONE who disagrees!"
That one reminded me more of you Ember. =P
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by ember on May 29, 2007, 1:19pm
Hmmm... Yes... That sounds like me too...
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by timberwolf on May 29, 2007, 2:00pm
*sould say something but is killed mid-sentance*
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by ember on May 29, 2007, 3:26pm
*Hides murder weapon, and whistles innocently*
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by admin on May 29, 2007, 3:43pm
I still like the idea that Kall secretly embarked on a murderous rampage. =3
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by maxfuchs on May 29, 2007, 8:04pm
I can imagine Demenara going crazy for mana. XD
No I do NOT have an obsession for Mana Tap.
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by timberwolf on May 30, 2007, 1:10am
Bah, just for the hell of it, since they're funny:
[Joke, Dwarf Female]
"No they're not real, but thanks for noticing."
[Joke, Dwarf Female]
"My Uncle has brass balls, no really!"
[Joke, Dwarf Male]
"Hi hooo, hi hooo...ehh...second verse, same as the first."
[Joke, Gnome Female]
"I've discovered that getting pummeled by a blunt weapon can be quite painful."
[Joke, Gnome Female]
"Some day, I hope to find the nuggets on a chicken."
[Joke, Human Female]
"I like to fart in the tub."
[Joke, Night Elf Male]
"Man, I was halfway through the Emerald Dream when I had to pee."
Re: WoW /silly and /joke voice emotes
Post by enigma on Jun 4, 2007, 3:21pm
[Joke, dwarf male]
"I don't have a drinkin' problem! I drink, I get drunk, I fall down. No problem!"
[Joke, dwarf male]
"Oh, I'm a social drinker. Every time someone says, 'I'll have a drink', I say, 'So shall I!"
[Joke, dwarf male]
"I like my beer like I like my women, stout and bitter."
[Joke, dwarf female]
"I like my ale like I like my men: Dark and rich."
[Joke, dwarf female]
"It's like my father always used to say: 'Shut up, and get out.' "
[Joke, gnome female]
"I apologize profusely for any inconvenience my murderous rampage may have caused."
[Joke, gnome female]
"I've discovered that getting pummeled by a blunt weapon can be quite painful."
[Joke, human female]
"Do you ever feel like you're not in charge of your own destiny,'re being controlled by an invisible hand."
[Joke, human male]
"So, I have this idea for a great movie. It's about two gnomes who find a bracelet of power, and they have to take it to the Burning Steppes and cast it into the Cauldron. They form the Brotherhood of the Bracelet. Along the way they're trailed by a murloc named Gottum, who's obsessed with the bracelet, and nine bracelet bogeymen. It could be a three-parter, called 'Ruler of the Bracelet'. The first part would be called 'The Brotherhood of the Bracelet', followed by 'A Couple of Towers', with a climactic ending called 'Hey, the King's Back!'"
[Joke, night elf female]
"Actually, I'm more of a...Morning Elf."
[Joke, night elf female]
"I think guys just use the Emerald Dream as an excuse to avoid calling me back."
[Joke, night elf male]
"Who wants to live forever?"
[Joke, draenei female]
"Why does everyone have trouble with the name of our people? It sounds just like it is spelled."
[Joke, draenei male]
"We have it all figured out. Step One: We land the Exodar. Step Three: We defeat Legion and go home...there is only one detail missing."
[Joke, forsaken female]
"Yes, they're REAL! They're not mine, but they're real!"
[Joke, forsaken male]
"Roses are gray, violets are gray, I'm dead and colorblind."
[Joke, sin'dorei male]
"Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the thing I can and the wisdom to...*angry grunt* just give me some freakin' magic before I kill somebody!"
(God, that sounds like my brother's character....T_T)
I think World Of Warcraft jokes may be a bit to "niche" to warrant a topic.
soupoftomato wrote:
I think World Of Warcraft jokes may be a bit to "niche" to warrant a topic.
go away soup
So, I have this idea for a great movie. It's about two gnomes who find a bracelet of power, and they have to take it to the Burning Steppes and cast it into the Cauldron. They form the Brotherhood of the Bracelet. Along the way they're trailed by a murloc named Gottom, who's obsessed with the bracelet, and nine bracelet bogeymen. It could be a three-parter, called 'Ruler of the Bracelet'. The first part would be called 'The Brotherhood of the Bracelet', followed by 'A Couple of Towers', with the climactic ending called 'Hey, the King's Back!"
Last edited by Necromaster (2013-03-29 00:11:53)
Sellout wrote:
What do you call a tub full of druids???
A HoT tub x-D
Only resto druids tho
My main alt (oxymoron I guess) is a restoration/feral druid.
Oh yeah, back in TBC when restoration druids turned into trees for healing, I saw a tauren with the name "Onetreehealz".
Last edited by Necromaster (2013-03-29 00:35:23)