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#76 2012-08-28 11:55:25

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 40

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

henley wrote:

Are there any questions that you have about 2.0?

Yes there are, Does anyone know or think, is there going to be an updated version of Desktop Scratch (For Windows or Mac) Available to also download when Scratch 2.0 Finally comes out? Or are we going to have to either just use the Online builder or carry on using the old desktop version of Scratch, Available at the moment?  smile  I'de as well as the Online builder Love a new desktop application for Scratch, No offence of course but the current one looks a bit Windows 98 Style! The rest of Scratch 2.0 Still looks Amazing! Love it!  smile  Carry on Scratching



#77 2012-08-28 13:04:26

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Joewheeeeler wrote:

henley wrote:

Are there any questions that you have about 2.0?

Yes there are, Does anyone know or think, is there going to be an updated version of Desktop Scratch (For Windows or Mac) Available to also download when Scratch 2.0 Finally comes out? Or are we going to have to either just use the Online builder or carry on using the old desktop version of Scratch, Available at the moment?  smile  I'de as well as the Online builder Love a new desktop application for Scratch, No offence of course but the current one looks a bit Windows 98 Style! The rest of Scratch 2.0 Still looks Amazing! Love it!  smile  Carry on Scratching

The Scratch 2.0 FAQ states that there will be a downloadable version...



#78 2012-08-28 13:58:05

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 40

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

scimonster wrote:

The Scratch 2.0 FAQ states that there will be a downloadable version...

Cool, This will be even better then, Lets just hope it will be even more exiting and change the downloadable version! Thanks, Joewheeeeler



#79 2012-08-28 14:57:54

Registered: 2011-02-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Joewheeeeler wrote:

scimonster wrote:

The Scratch 2.0 FAQ states that there will be a downloadable version...

Cool, This will be even better then, Lets just hope it will be even more exiting and change the downloadable version! Thanks, Joewheeeeler

Why did you say Thanks, Joewheeeeler after your post.



#80 2012-08-28 14:59:06

Registered: 2012-02-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

It was probably meant to be like this:



As in, a signature.

La La
I wrote an album.



#81 2012-08-31 04:29:12

Registered: 2009-03-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

More questions:

1) Is the "clean up scripts" option still available?  If so, can we have a "clean up ALL scripts" function?

2) Will the editor windows ever respond to the mouse scrollwheel?

3) How many active coders do you have working on the codebase?

4) Since this is now in Flash and there are some great "tween" libraries for Flash, will we see some "Tween" blocks?

5) Is there still a way to write out a project summary?

6) Are the variables on the "data" tab listed in alpha order?

7) Are we still going to have the "Next Costume" block?

8) Will the old "Stop Script" blocks be converted when loaded to the new "Stop" block form?

9) How is the performance of a normal speed project with Warp Speed blocks compared to a project without them but running in Turbo Mode?

10) Are you tired of my questions yet?

Animated sigs must be banned!



#82 2012-08-31 04:41:52

Registered: 2012-07-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

BoltBait wrote:

More questions:

1) Is the "clean up scripts" option still available?  If so, can we have a "clean up ALL scripts" function?

2) Will the editor windows ever respond to the mouse scrollwheel?

3) How many active coders do you have working on the codebase?

4) Since this is now in Flash and there are some great "tween" libraries for Flash, will we see some "Tween" blocks?

5) Is there still a way to write out a project summary?

6) Are the variables on the "data" tab listed in alpha order?

7) Are we still going to have the "Next Costume" block?

8) Will the old "Stop Script" blocks be converted when loaded to the new "Stop" block form?

9) How is the performance of a normal speed project with Warp Speed blocks compared to a project without them but running in Turbo Mode?

10) Are you tired of my questions yet?

I would like to know these too.



#83 2012-08-31 10:33:26

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

BoltBait wrote:

More questions:

1) Is the "clean up scripts" option still available?  If so, can we have a "clean up ALL scripts" function?

2) Will the editor windows ever respond to the mouse scrollwheel?

3) How many active coders do you have working on the codebase?

4) Since this is now in Flash and there are some great "tween" libraries for Flash, will we see some "Tween" blocks?

5) Is there still a way to write out a project summary?

6) Are the variables on the "data" tab listed in alpha order?

7) Are we still going to have the "Next Costume" block?

8) Will the old "Stop Script" blocks be converted when loaded to the new "Stop" block form?

9) How is the performance of a normal speed project with Warp Speed blocks compared to a project without them but running in Turbo Mode?

10) Are you tired of my questions yet?

Not an admin, but here's what I think:

1. a. Yes, b. Dunno
2. Probably
3. Lots
4. Good idea!  smile
5. Probably. And definitely notes.
6. Dunno. Hopefully not.
7. Yes.
8. Huh?
9. Huh?
10. No, they are good questions.  smile

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#84 2012-08-31 10:36:36

Registered: 2012-07-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Hardmath123 wrote:

BoltBait wrote:

More questions:

1) Is the "clean up scripts" option still available?  If so, can we have a "clean up ALL scripts" function?

2) Will the editor windows ever respond to the mouse scrollwheel?

3) How many active coders do you have working on the codebase?

4) Since this is now in Flash and there are some great "tween" libraries for Flash, will we see some "Tween" blocks?

5) Is there still a way to write out a project summary?

6) Are the variables on the "data" tab listed in alpha order?

7) Are we still going to have the "Next Costume" block?

8) Will the old "Stop Script" blocks be converted when loaded to the new "Stop" block form?

9) How is the performance of a normal speed project with Warp Speed blocks compared to a project without them but running in Turbo Mode?

10) Are you tired of my questions yet?

Not an admin, but here's what I think:

1. a. Yes, b. Dunno
2. Probably
3. Lots
4. Good idea!  smile
5. Probably. And definitely notes.
6. Dunno. Hopefully not.
7. Yes.
8. Huh?
9. Huh?
10. No, they are good questions.  smile

@Huh? 9. He's asking what the difference is in speed between the Warp c-block and Turbo Mode.



#85 2012-08-31 11:45:17

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

There's a warp c in 2.0? I'm so out of this...

Warp in BYOB4.0 is basically an atomic stack.  smile

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#86 2012-08-31 13:45:44

Registered: 2009-03-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Please don't answer questions unless you're on the Scratch Team... or you ACTUALLY know the answer.


Animated sigs must be banned!



#87 2012-09-04 11:01:47

Registered: 2010-01-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

BoltBait wrote:

More questions:

1) Is the "clean up scripts" option still available?  If so, can we have a "clean up ALL scripts" function?

2) Will the editor windows ever respond to the mouse scrollwheel?

3) How many active coders do you have working on the codebase?

4) Since this is now in Flash and there are some great "tween" libraries for Flash, will we see some "Tween" blocks?

5) Is there still a way to write out a project summary?

6) Are the variables on the "data" tab listed in alpha order?

7) Are we still going to have the "Next Costume" block?

8) Will the old "Stop Script" blocks be converted when loaded to the new "Stop" block form?

9) How is the performance of a normal speed project with Warp Speed blocks compared to a project without them but running in Turbo Mode?

10) Are you tired of my questions yet?

Please don't answer questions unless you're on the Scratch Team... or you ACTUALLY know the answer.

well, i answer what I know from inspecting the alpha...

1) yes; we can, why not ask them?  wink
2) they don't yet  sad
3) not a lot, i guess. probably less the five people.
4) not implemented yet, and seems a bit too complicated for scratch  hmm
5) not implemented yet, hope they do  hmm
6) nope, creation order  sad
7) they don't have it there  big_smile
8) no (yet) but they work at least
9) wrap performed better on my little vars benchmark  smile
10) well.....



#88 2012-09-04 13:45:09

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

BoltBait wrote:

More questions:

1) Is the "clean up scripts" option still available?  If so, can we have a "clean up ALL scripts" function?

2) Will the editor windows ever respond to the mouse scrollwheel?

3) How many active coders do you have working on the codebase?

4) Since this is now in Flash and there are some great "tween" libraries for Flash, will we see some "Tween" blocks?

5) Is there still a way to write out a project summary?

6) Are the variables on the "data" tab listed in alpha order?

7) Are we still going to have the "Next Costume" block?

8) Will the old "Stop Script" blocks be converted when loaded to the new "Stop" block form?

9) How is the performance of a normal speed project with Warp Speed blocks compared to a project without them but running in Turbo Mode?

10) Are you tired of my questions yet?

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) I'm not sure
4) I don't know what "tween" is
5) Not ATM
6) I think so, but i don't have it open right now
7) Yes...
8) It'll probably just be obsolete
9) I don't know, i'll have to try that. Comparison of warp and turbo might be something good to add to the blog post
10) A drop.  tongue  But it's good that you're expressing a serious interest; these are the types of questions i was hoping for.



#89 2012-09-05 15:14:19

Registered: 2011-11-16
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Will we get the option when creating a variable to make it cloud or not cloud? Or perhaps a block that toggles between the two? And has it been set in stone how sharing projects will work, as in public or not public option, or maybe a WIP secton added to your page?

These have probably been answered, but I never saw it.

Why are the secret organizations getting all the attention?  mad



#90 2012-09-05 15:23:12

Registered: 2011-10-26
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

sonicfan12p wrote:

Will we get the option when creating a variable to make it cloud or not cloud? Or perhaps a block that toggles between the two? And has it been set in stone how sharing projects will work, as in public or not public option, or maybe a WIP secton added to your page?

These have probably been answered, but I never saw it.

You can choose between cloud and not cloud

It hasn't been confirmed as far as I'm aware but it's likely you'll be able to make a project not viewable (why does my spellcheck hate that word) by the public




#91 2012-09-05 15:29:59

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

sonicfan12p wrote:

Will we get the option when creating a variable to make it cloud or not cloud? Or perhaps a block that toggles between the two? And has it been set in stone how sharing projects will work, as in public or not public option, or maybe a WIP secton added to your page?

These have probably been answered, but I never saw it.

Yes, you choose when creating the variable. I think that's in the wiki article on cloud data.
And you will be able to hide projects from the public.



#92 2012-09-05 17:22:13

Registered: 2010-07-16
Posts: 100+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

When will the beta be out? 2.0 Alpha Tester!



#93 2012-09-05 18:10:46

Registered: 2009-05-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Will multiple projects be able to access the same cloud variables?



#94 2012-09-06 02:23:32

Registered: 2010-10-16
Posts: 100

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Greenatic wrote:

Will multiple projects be able to access the same cloud variables?

I hope not. I don't want other projects messing up Leaderboards and such.
But this may be an advantage. eg. Cross Project Chat.
My Online Status on Scratch:



#95 2012-09-06 16:24:47

Registered: 2009-05-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Sonickyle wrote:

Greenatic wrote:

Will multiple projects be able to access the same cloud variables?

I hope not. I don't want other projects messing up Leaderboards and such.
But this may be an advantage. eg. Cross Project Chat.

I meant between projects by the same user.



#96 2012-09-06 16:42:55

Registered: 2011-07-11
Posts: 500+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Will there be another preview [close] to the end of August?  (which is now)

That's what I heard...




#97 2012-09-06 16:43:33

Registered: 2010-02-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

thebriculator wrote:

Will there be another preview [close] to the end of August?  (which is now)

That's what I heard...

Uh, it's September.

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#98 2012-09-06 17:39:48

Registered: 2011-07-11
Posts: 500+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

it's [close] to the end of August still. If it were to happen, now is the time.




#99 2012-09-17 09:48:02

Registered: 2012-01-02
Posts: 8

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

Do scratch 2.0 gonna have multiplayer support?
And about cloud variables?



#100 2012-09-17 11:56:48

Registered: 2011-07-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: [survey] What do you guys want to know about 2.0?

I heard that all forum posts won't be transferred from 1.4 to 2.0. Is that right?



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