What calculators do you have (counting computer/tablet)?
Not sure if you can "read or play" a calculator. Does this go in MaC?
I have a TI-89 that I never use, but I once did some BASIC programming on it
I also have a TW-14D which is really nice to use because the buttons are very snappy and the screen is large, but it's not a scientific calculator and lacks some functions.
I have the default Android calculator on my Jelly Bean Kindle Fire, which I haven't had to use yet.
I have the calculator on the Mac which I use very often because it is integrated very well with the Apple keyboard with numeric keypad, and has all the scientific calculator functions that I need.
A cheap-o Alquimia (local brand), basic one, a Casio FX-idontknowthenumbers scientific, one in each of the computers and (smart)phones in the house